Why I perform…Gig #84 and #85

My first performance ever was probably during my college days. When I got a few friends together to play as a band in the Taylor’s Battle of the Bands competition. We didn’t even make it through the first stage, but we had tons of fun. And it was then I discovered my passion for performing.

We did manage to secure a couple of gigs after the band competition experience, playing for a couple of schools and one college event. But man, getting on stage, rocking out, yelling till I had no voice – those were great times. But the best part was hearing the yells and applause from the audience. I don’t know what it is about being applauded which makes it feel great, but it does and I loved every bit of it.

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GIG #81: 10:45 Amsterdam Conversations

Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t played a show since May. I guess my plans to play 25 shows in 2013 can go out the window :’) it was ambitious, but due to me lacking the motivation past the first few months of the year, and the amount of things I have to do in my free time it just wasn’t possible (or I wasn’t dedicated enough). My plans to record the EP also didn’t pan out. The Wishing hasn’t played a gig in months either. It’s like nothing musical has been working out for me. Oh well. Regardless, it’s time to put an end to this dry spell. Last week, I received a message from Reza inviting me to play for this show. Needless to say, I accepted. So, if you’ve got no plans this Tuesday, do drop by to say hi and watch me perform!

Show info:
Tuesday, 10th December 2013
The Bee, Jaya One

I hope to see you guys there!