Category: Uncategorized

  • Kind Souls

    Kind Souls

    Don’t have a point to these stories, I just wanted to write about two kind souls I encountered this week.

    One: Prepare to Eat

    The owner of Afiz Bistro. I paid the mamak a visit this afternoon while waiting for my car to be serviced. While ordering a limau ais and a maggi goreng, I checked my wallet for cash. I only had RM3, so I asked him if he accepted digital cash. He told me no, so I canceled my food order and asked only for the drink.

    He served me my drink and went back about his business. A few minutes later, he surprised me with a plate of maggi goreng. I was puzzled, and he told me, “just take it. You can come back next time and pay me back or you can choose to never return.”

    I think the man pitied me and thought I was making an excuse for not having any cash on me. Anyway, I thanked him for the noodles. After finishing my meal, I paid him RM2 for the limau ais and told him that I’ll be back again to repay him for the noodles. He smiled and said okay. What a nice man. I set myself a reminder so I won’t forget.

    Google Assistant is handy

    Two: Supporter of the GNG Stream

    Last night, while I was streaming some Dota 2 games, a random viewer decided to send me 75 stars. Out of the blue. I wasn’t doing anything out of the ordinary, I was playing my crappy low MMR games as usual. I pull off any fantastic plays. My mic wasn’t even working properly (I had accidentally launched Audacity, which took over my audio input so it couldn’t be sent to OBS). I lost both of my games last night.

    This person I didn’t know, dropped by, saw my stream and somehow thought I was deserving of his $0.75. Dude donated the stars and left without saying a word. Maybe he misclicked (the more I think about it, the more likely this seems). Maybe he was drunk. Whatever it is, I’ve got $0.75 in my Facebook account.

    Since I’ve officially made money from streaming, can I call myself professional now?

  • Pizza

    It was just another evening in Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque. I had just completed my exhausting journey through rush hour traffic and parked in my driveway when I saw that my neighbors, the Whites had done the same thing as well. Mr White, head of the family, got out of his car, walked around to the back to get stuff from the trunk – a red sports bag and a pizza box. From the back of his car, emerged their son, who hobbled with his crutches towards the entrance of their house.

    I called out “good evening” and waved, but they didn’t seem to have noticed me. It’s okay, they must have had a long day, I told myself. The Whites were usually cheery enough to reciprocate, just not today. I walked out to the sidewalk and lit up a cigarette, watching the kid entering the house, while his parents stood at the doorway talking.

    I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but it looked like Mrs White didn’t want Mr White to enter their home. She took the sports bag from him but refused him entry. She didn’t seem to want the pizza either. Mr White’s face turned from one of elation into one of defeat. Ouch.

    I stamped out my cigarette and walked to my front door. As I unlocked it, I turned to look at the Whites again. This time I saw Mr White stomp angrily towards his car, pause, and threw the box of pizza onto his roof! What happened next was magical – and I kid you not – the pizza flew out of the box and landed on the roof, while the box fell onto the ground. The pizza, uneaten and a perfect circle, lay there, as though it was meant to be there all along. I quickly went into my house, not wanting to appear nosy and peeked out through my windows. Mr White had started up his car and sped off. Something must be going on between the Whites!

    Writing Prompt from Reddit: [WP] When you die, you end up in the universe of your favorite TV show as a background character. You see the events of your show unfold from your point of view.

  • Gig #105

    Gig #105

    Been a while since I’ve headlined a show, so I’m pretty psyched to announce I’ll be one of the main acts for tomorrow’s Feedback Open Mic at Jaya One. I’m also going to be away from Malaysia for almost a month, so this will be my last one for some time (doubt I’ll be playing any open mics in the US/UK haha). I haven’t prepared a set list yet, but I believe it should be a mix of some old tunes and newer ones. Hope to see you guys there!

    Feedback Open Mic Jaya One ft. Yi Fen & 2storeyheart
    Event Page

    9th May 2017, Wednesday
    The Bee
    Jaya One

    Hey folks! Feedback is happening at The Bee Jaya One again, bringing to you one of the busiest open mics in town!

    Featured acts for this show include:

    Tan Yi Fen

    Here, have some easy-to-digest bite-sized info:
    – Signs ups are at 7pm and are first-come-first-serve basis
    – Show starts at 8pm
    – It’s a 2 song slot
    – Bring your own cables
    – The Jaya One edition is ACOUSTIC only
    – Because you are awesome, best open mic-er gets to open for one of our Lot 36 slots and the chance to win recording time with iseekmusic!

    Remember to tag us in your pictures with our #FeedbackOpenMic hashtag =)

    Entry is free. See you there!

    Feedback is a collaboration between Moonshine & The Bee. It happens every 2nd Tuesday (Jaya One, acoustic only) and 4th Tuesday (Publika) of the month and has been running since December 2011.