Category: Uncategorized

  • Last minute update for a last minute gig (#46)

    My next gig:

    Date: 11 Apr 2010
    Time: 6-10pm
    Location: Palms Grill & Restaurant, Subang Skypark


    More info here.

    Hope to see you guys there!

  • Gig #43, Gig #44, Mini-Movie reviews

    EDIT: I’ll be playing tonight at Lepaq cafe, Kelana Jaya (27th). 9PM. If you have any problems getting there, just google it or shoot me a message. See you guys tonight!

    I got a message from my friend Rina this morning asking me if I would like to open for her upcoming gig at Lepaq cafe. I agreed! And so I’ll be opening for her. The gig is scheduled to be on this Wednesday night, but she’s trying to push to the last week of February. So it’ll be in two days or the following week. When I’ve gotten the date confirmed, I’ll post it up here or on Twitter. If you haven’t heard Rina before, you haven’t heard music. Listen to her stuff online here. Hope to see you guys there!

    My next confirmed gig will be on the following weekend.
    Doppelganger Penang
    Date: Sunday 21 Feb 2010
    Time: 3pm-6pm
    Venue: Bangkok Lane, Pulau Tikus (exact house tbc)
    Refreshments will be served.

    It’s gonna be my first gig ever in another state, so that’s a pretty big deal to me 😀 Let’s hope my music isn’t offensive to Penang ears. Haha. I really have no idea what to expect. Anyways, hope to see you guys there as well!

    Universal Soldier : is a shit fest. Don’t bother. Seriously.
    Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief : now that is a movie worth watching. Fucking awesome. Plot is predictable, but stay for the ride cos it’s one hell of a fun movie from start to finish.
    Avatar : good movie, but movie of the year? Nah. That one belongs to-
    Sherlock Holmes : I’ve seen this movie twice and I still plan to watch it again. Brilliant script, direction and great acting from the whole cast. Side splitting jokes, and Rachel McAdam. Mmhmm. I’m already itching for a sequel. My favorite movie of 2009, followed closely behind by Inglorious Basterds.

  • Leaving the one oh eight.

    A new 2storeyheart song! Listen to it on myspace! Or download it here. I spent a few hours this evening at home recording this song, the guitar was a bitch to play. Haha. Anyway have a listen and leave your feedback! 😀

    Leaving the one oh eight

    So I’ve made up my mind
    I’m packing my stuff
    I’m letting it go
    I’ll leave it behind

    I know that you know that
    It wasn’t an easy
    Decision to make yeah
    But it’s for the best

    It’s gonna be a long road
    And I won’t have you
    You won’t have me either
    You’ll find someone new

    And so must I..
    At least I’ll try..

    I’m starting to picture
    All our memories
    All the times shared
    With you surrounding me

    I’ll miss all these four walls
    I’ll miss the TV
    I’ll miss all the times
    You were there for me

    The hour long journeys
    To get to your door
    And all of the storms
    That I had to brave

    You never asked for more..
    You never asked for more..

    And I’m leaving the one oh eight in shambles
    Empty like a shell
    That’s been abandoned, left for something better
    Four blank grey stained walls

    As I put the last box in my car
    I closed the door, I turned and looked
    At the windows looking back at me
    The lights are off like faded memories
    Disappearing in the dark
    Every single moment that we shared together
    Will forever Be part of my life

    And it’s just so hard to let go
    When you’re heading down on that road
    Leaving what you loved behind
    In hopes that you will find
    It’s just so hard to let go
    When you’re heading down on that road
    Leaving what you loved behind
    In hopes that you will find another