16 going on 17

It’s the same story, just a different day. Cigarette hanging from his mouth, coffee by his side, while he typed away on his laptop.
It’s been almost three hundred and sixty-six days (yes it was a leap year, he had to look it up) – time to kill off our calendars and get used to writing seventeen at the end of your dates.

He doesn’t have to recount everything that’s happened over the year (he’s done plenty of those already, TL;DR: he traveled a lot, worked a lot, played a lot of Dota). What about goals? Hm. Make a game – failed. Made new music – one song, and that happened about a month ago (and it’s still incomplete). Learn new things – he did learn to play Somewhere Over The Rainbow on his ukulele but is still terrible at ‘dabbling’ with the piano. Get scammed by some rap artists – succeeded! He did read more books than before, which is an accomplishment given his busy schedule. He hasn’t really written anything significant since his Nanowrimo novel back in 2014. So overall, besides advancing in his career he hasn’t really done much.

Sighing to himself, he lit up another cigarette. What next? 9 more years to live, still nothing accomplished. But wait, does he really need to accomplish anything? After all, he’s just another human being. Another speck in the universe. A nobody. He’s not special. So no, not really. Everybody else’s life seems better, so what? His life is fine. There’s nothing absolutely wrong with it. Sure, it could be better – but so could everything else. Also, he looks young for his age.

So what’s in store for the following year? Who knows. He still needs to work on his time management. Better time management will lead to more time to spend on his hobbies and things outside work. Be a better son. A better boy friend. A better writer. A better musician. A better person in general. And hopefully, a game developer! Let’s not repeat 2016.

Make moves, not excuses.

Taylor Swift – Back To December just came on. How fitting. Happy New Year everybody!


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