2019 Season Finale: Part One

I’m not sure how many of these I’m going to write, but I thought it’d be good writing practice to just put my thoughts down about the year (and more) before the year ends.

And so, we’ve arrived at the conclusion of another year. Time to recap what happened over the past fifty-two weeks and plot down what’s going to happen next. This is kind of silly since we all know that time is a man-made construct and only has any value because that’s what we’ve given it.

Like who said one second had to be one second long? I feel like I’m rambling, but I guess it’s better than not writing anything on this blog. I’ve been slipping up, haven’t been updating as frequently as I have in the past, but that’s okay. I recognize it and I know that it’s not a big deal. I don’t have a thousand readers a day coming to find out what’s been going on in my life, and what’s running through my mind.

I’ve grown older by another year, and I feel like life has begun to slow down for me. I don’t do as much as I used to because I don’t feel like it. These days, I’m happy just chilling at home with a nice show, some twitch stream or just sitting in a cafe with a coffee and a book, or having a conversation with a friend. I don’t miss partying at all, it’s weird.

When I was younger, I enjoyed it immensely, don’t get me wrong. I don’t regret (most of) the times I used to spend with my buddies, getting smashed at clubs, eating Maggi Goreng at mamaks after and nursing a hangover the next day.

Sure, it was a waste of time in hindsight, which is probably why I don’t do it anymore, but it was just something I did in the past. I mean, if I was to turn back time, what else would I have done back then? Spent those nights studying or learning a new language? Probably way more beneficial, but also I wouldn’t have had all these alcohol-fueled experiences I’ve mostly forgotten.

I guess the main thing, is I had fun doing it, and it’s great to spend time with people close to you. That’s one thing that you shouldn’t take for granted. There’s no telling what’s going to happen to them in the future, you’ll never know when you’ll see each other again, and that reason alone is probably enough. Don’t regret spending time to have fun – if you feel like you could be more productive – start now. Unless something you want to do has a definite deadline (like traveling to the sun after 5 billion years (the estimated time it will take to die, in case you were wondering (wait, you’d be dead long before that))) – it’s never too late to do something.

The worst thing you can do is sit around regretting something you didn’t do in the past. Be the change in your own life, make the most of the time you have left.

On another note, I used to read my Facebook ‘what happened x years ago’ notifications daily. These days the only time I click on it is by accident or when somebody makes a comment or reaction to something in the past. Not sure why I stopped, but it hasn’t affected my life. Like religion. Or horoscopes. And personality tests.


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