2019 Season Finale: Part Two, Hello Oxy

Another post about being old, how boring

I’m now thirty-four, and I realize that I’m still facing some of the same problems I have faced many decades ago: pimples. By the way, did you know that acne and pimples aren’t the same things? The more you know.

I remember being the pimply-faced kid back in school. I was relieved when I grew out of it after many years. I’m not sure if it was the facial sessions I went to, me washing my face with skincare products, or just my body adapting to hormonal changes – my face eventually cleared up.

While I’m free from outbreaks, I still get the occasional pimple popping up now and then (probably due to my bad sleeping habits). The other day, I was thinking to myself, I should do something about a pimple that kept popping up in the same spot. I visited a pharmacy and bought myself a tube of Oxy.

I chose Oxy 10 instead of Oxy 5 because why would you pay for something weaker? (It didn’t occur to me that it would affect some people differently, fortunately for me, I haven’t experienced any side effects).

Long story short – I’ve started using Oxy daily for the past week, and man this shit is pretty good! While it’s not instant like pimple popping at a facial (god, that shit hurts), it has been very effective in taking care of the pimples on my face.

The other day a bright idea came into my head – why not try it out on the pimples on my ass? I’ve been bothered by a couple of pimples that have surfaced there and refused to go away.

And if you’ve been wondering about the answer – yes, it works. Not that you’ll be able to verify my buttcheeks, but you can take my word for it (or try it out for yourself). I don’t know why I was so surprised to find out that it was just as effective. Skin is skin, and pimples are pimples, right?

Well, I guess you do learn something every day.


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