Back to the Diary

I think I may have writer’s block. I’ve been trying to write something substantial over the past few days but I haven’t been very successful. Even word vomiting hasn’t really been helping. I haven’t been able to come up with topics to write on my blog. Have I finally run out of things to say? No. That isn’t true. I’ll always have something to say as long as I’m alive. It’s just that I haven’t been able to write about things worth writing about (as though toilet thoughts was something that needed to be published).

I guess in the meantime I’ll just post some diary-like entries. Those are the easiest to churn out without having to use much of my brain. What have I been up to? Well, there have been a lot of Dota 2 tournaments over the past few months (another tournament just started last week) and I’ve been following them. I used to think that every time I tuned into a Na’Vi match, I’d watch them lose and it was my fault. But they’ve been winning the past two nights so that’s not true anymore. It’s good to see the team back on form after a rough day 1 at Epicenter XL. Hopefully they keep it up for the remaining days.

I haven’t touched any other game besides Dota 2 on my PC for a while now. In the past, I’d dick around in single player games while waiting for my friends to come online to play. Nowadays I just browse reddit until it’s time to party up. It’s seriously the only game that keeps on giving. Even after all these years. There’s always something new to learn.

Speaking of learning, I really enjoy checking out links from Hacker News. Every time I visit that site I find an interesting article that teaches me something new. Like today, I learned about pun competitions. Then I thought about it and realized – I’m so bad at coming up with puns. It’s not an easy thing to do. Puns also tread the fine line between clever and lame. They’re also very polarizing, it’s not something that everybody appreciates. Anyway, I just thought I’d share a pun a friend came up with a while ago:

probably only funny to people who know Ken Jae and his love for Hai Di Lao hotpot

Today Vanessa told me that her dog passed away. RIP Jasper. I didn’t get to know him well before he went to doggo heaven, but I’m sure he’s having fun with all the bitches up there.

I bought Vegas (a video editing software) for cheap the other day. Might study some tutorials and learn how to come up with my own video edits. Stay tuned for that.


5 responses to “Back to the Diary”

  1. Li Wen Avatar

    Just keep writing. You’l have bad days, and you’ll have good days. Keep it up.

  2. Li Wen Avatar

    Maybe do a post on your new design too.

    1. George Avatar

      Thanks man, appreciate the words of encouragement. I also did a post about the site redesign:

  3. Li Wen Avatar

    Ah cool, I missed that post, thanks!

    1. George Avatar

      no problemo!

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