An Interlude

“What happened to my drive to write?” some of you may have asked. Not really, I see the stats, people don’t come here for my rambling. But that’s okay. This blog is just an outlet for me to release what’s pent up on my mind (most of the time).

You see, I’ve had a lot of time to myself over the past month. There’s not much else to do when you’re not working. I guess I kinda took for granted how much of my time work took up. And to clarify: I’m not complaining either – I’m far from unhappy or bored, I’m enjoying my break a lot. I enjoyed it the last time it happened as well.

What I am anxious about though is my next job. I’m still not completely sure where I’ll be ending up (I’m supposed to have an answer tomorrow). I’m also tired of having to explain to people I don’t know where I’m going yet – because I don’t. Can’t wait to get that out of the way.

In any case, I’ve been spending a lot of time catching up on shows I’ve been meaning to watch, playing games that have been sitting around in my Steam library, and even picking up the guitar to figure out some new chord progressions. Heck, I even completed a Unity 2D platformer tutorial the other day! Life has been great – I know this state is only temporary, so I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

Speaking of being productive, I’ve been updating Animal Bus weekly. It’s been pretty tough trying to maintain the schedule, but I can tell you firsthand that it’s not easy. I understand why people work in teams – honestly, if I had the money I’d probably hire a letterer, colorist, and artist to help me out. Mainly because I’m lazy, but also I’m terrible at visuals and would like to stick to just writing. However, the comic isn’t dead yet, so I’ll keep pushing out new chapters until I’ve decided that I’ve had enough. In the meantime, if you haven’t read it yet – check it out.

I rarely write about books, despite my book sales background (lol). However, I feel that Richard Dawkin’s Outgrowing God is too important to not share about. If you want to read about why religion and believing in it is inane, look no further. Dawkins gets his points across in a succinct, sometimes funny, and easy to understand manner. Highly recommended if you’re interested in challenging your faith or reaffirming your beliefs in a godless world.


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