An update

So, it’s been awhile since my last post. Some of you probably noticed because I stopped updating five times a week!

Well, I’ve got some bad news – unfortunately due to my current circumstances, it’ll be impossible for me to update this blog that frequently. My writing spree has come to an end. Work has increased a bazillion percent and I simply don’t have the time to sit down and write so often anymore. And with all the events I have to be part of (in and out of KL), it’s too stressful to manage.

For those of you who aren’t in the know, the project I was hired for was put on hold indefinitely (due to some issues) so I’ve been transferred and am now an employee at BookXcess. Because of that, I have loads more to do. I’ll be part of upcoming Big Bad Wolf sales, road shows, as well as other stuff. I’ve even cut down the number of online courses I’ve been doing because I can’t cope. I don’t know if the job load will lighten in the future, but hey – work is work, and it’s a priority in life.

The number of gigs I’ve been playing has also been reduced significantly. However, I might have one scheduled for April 16th at Grind 22. I’ll update this blog when I receive confirmation!

In the meantime, I’ll try to post at least twice a week. It’ll happen on Fridays/weekends – since those are the nights I’m usually free.

Also, this blog is almost 9 years old. Thanks for reading guys, it’s been a pleasure writing. Look forward to my next post – it was the final assignment for the last course I completed – English Grammar and Essay Writing.


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