This morning after doing some reading, I decided to myself that today was the day I’d be going back home. So I got out of bed, washed up, started packing and loading my car. I made sure everything was turned off (gas, lights and mains), locked up the place and got in my car. Less than 5 minutes later, I found myself stuck in the worst traffic jam I’ve had to sit through for days. According to Google, it was going to add an hour to my journey home. I decided to drive to the closest place possible to have some lunch and hopefully wait out the jam. It somewhat worked, after lunch Google told me that the way back was still jammed, but this time it was only adding 26 minutes to my drive. I decided to brave it.
Three and a half hours later, I found my way home. Another uneventful drive, which I’m thankful for, and now I’m blogging from the comfort of my own room (yay). No more having to bundle myself up just to stop myself from shivering. Also, I get to hang out with my doggo ?.
Not much else to say except that it’s the weekend (yay!). I’ve started reading Wonder Book and Get Started in Creative Writing – they’ve given me a lot of good points to be continuously inspired for my writing. I’m definitely going to be posting up the writing exercises that I’ll be doing from those books.
I’ve also been keeping up with Inktober (day 7 today), so follow me on Instagram if you’re keen on checking out terrible art.
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