Category: 2storeyheart

  • Gig #15, Gig #16, Gig #17

    EDIT: I’ll be playing today, Monday, at 8PM

    So I’m blogging using the office internet pc. Lol
    I haven’t been home in ages, I guess I’m kinda used to it now, I’ve been out alot. Had an awesome birthday eve and an awesome birthday, and well, besides the shitty landslide, december has been a pretty good month!

    I played at cloth and clef last saturday (gig 15), and I have another gig this coming Sunday (gig 16) at soul cafe, Bangsar (Edited 19th December). I’m supposed to be going on at around 10, it’s some reopening party or something, and I am playing on Monday and Tuesday as well. But yeah, make your way down to Bangsar this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night for some 2sh action! 😀

    At the end of the month, 28th I’ll be playing doppelganger main stage 😀 and on the 31st, I might be playing at Soho KL as well for the New Year’s Eve open mic stage. More details on that in the coming week.

    I won’t be on msn much or either at all, but my facebook is just one touch away (lol @ maxis ads). So if you guys don’t have my number, just contact me there- George Wong.

    Hopefully I’ll be back home with a pc and internet soon. In the mean time, take care guys and I hope to see you at my shows!

  • Gig #14

    Wow, it feels like this blog is just becoming a place for me to announce my shows! haha
    Well, I haven’t had anything interesting to fill these pages with lately, and the amount of activities I have to do is just overwhelming, and I don’t get time to sit down in front of the pc to write creatively. I have a job appraisal in 2 days (wish me all the best!) and I have some gigs lined up this month as well! And if I’m lucky, I’ll be paid to play 8 nights which will mean I hit 20 gigs by the end of the year! woo hoo! well we’ll just see how things go. In the meantime, here’s my upcoming gig at the end of the month:

    This will be the first time I’m headlining for doppelganger (hopefully not the last! haha) so DO COME! Bring your friends, spread the word! Tell everyone you know! It’s at the end of the month, on a Sunday, which isn’t NY eve so you should have no problems making it! :p

    Picture of the year? Prolly. LOL

    GIG: 28 Dec 08: Doppelganger Open Mic @ Marketplace KL

    Presenting the YEAR END SHOW @ Marketplace KL!

    and the regular open mickers…..
    hang on a minute! That’s George Wong?!!
    Gosh…. tell your friends about this, spread this link, facebook us if you like or join our facebook group!
    And here’s a little more about our performers for December!

    Sparanormal, An unintended collaboration formed in 2001. It went on nameless for quite a while, until just sometime last year the name came to be. Since then the band managed to record a few songs. It was hard squeezing in work and music together. But in the name of music and in dire need of some variation in our daily lives the band had to live on. So far Its been a hell of a journey, and were looking forward for a hell lot more. Sparanormal is Kameel, singin’ and strummin 2nd guitar Jzon, rippin’ 1st guitar Ajeem, thumping bass Safwan, rolling the drums With our first not so far in the future release (hope so) Between, Above and High Sparanormal E.P. out NOW! Hey everyone! we have finaly managed to get our E.P. out! selling @ RM 8.00, You can get it at Giggers Jln Kelang Lama, or order by post, for further info please call safwan @ 0176552315 or send in a request email to or just leave a message on our myspace page. Also other selected distributors @ : – Campbell Music ( Kedai Aunty ) 1st Floor, Campbell Complex, KL. – The RiceCooker Shop Annexe Central Market (CM), KL. – Tools & Trade 1st Floor, Campbell Complex, KL. – Silverfish Jalan Telawi, Bangsar, KL and now, Doppelganger’s roving Indie Scene Cafe.

    After the disbanding of his former band, dreamingtosleep, George needed another outlet to release his thoughts, feelings and emotions. He picked up the acoustic guitar, put new words down on paper and wrote stripped down, honest, soul baring music. What started off as a couple of songs for a side project for bedroom jamming and the ears of good friends eventually turned into a collection of songs that forms his current performing setlist. With more than enough songs to record an album with, George decided that his music needed to be heard. In 2007, he finally broke out of his bedroom by playing at his first open mic event. Surprised by the great response he got to his ‘friendster song’ he decided that he was going to do more than just play to his friends. After taking a break for a few months, getting his heart broken and writing a few new tunes, in 2008, he hit the open mic scene like there was no tomorrow- playing at every doppelganger and cloth and clef gig for a few months straight. To audiences big or small, receptive or not, he just wanted people to hear what he had to say. Now with an EP in the works and a number of gigs lined up for him, things look like they are finally shaping up for 2storeyheart.

    Hope to see you guys there!

  • Gig #13

    EDIT: I’ll be playing on SATURDAY – 7.15PM

    ARTrage Lab: brit invASIAN
    in collaboration with Indie Scene Cafe & Doppelganger
    29 & 30 Nov 2008.
    2.08 – 9.08pm.
    Main Concourse, SohoKL

    DIY meets freedom!

    Come by and shop til you drop, dine til you’re too fine at SohoKL’s many F&B outlets and listen to indie bands/singer songwriters and poets at the Live + Loud and Doppelganger Open Mic stages. Over 80 vendors peddling their own homemade craft, fashion, toys + collectibles. You won’t want to miss out on this one!

    ARTrage Lab’s Live + Loud Stage
    + Senoritas –
    + Luscious –
    + Infinatez –
    + The Dogen –
    + Ana Raffali –
    + Cloud Burst –
    + Violet –
    + Ain Zulkifly
    + special guest, Imran Ajmain (Singapore)

    What else to expect from ARTrage Lab? Photography exhibition + immersion digital art + trunk show by Button My Buttons, an interactive art installation + a batik painting workshop.

    Indie Scene Cafe
    Back in 05, we ran our very own Indie Scene Cafe at Piccolo in Bkt Bintang for 2 months. Daily gigs, a store to sell indie stuff, weekend events made that place indeed very special. Well, the pop-up cafe is back again! So come by this weekend to SohoKL at our collaboration with Bijou Bazaar’s ARTrage Labs. On sale: bonds undies. tees. feshion nixnax. indie CDs. come buy come buy 😉

    Doppelganger Open Mic Open Stage presents the FIRST OPEN MIC FOR GUITAR HERO FREAKS!

    If you’ve been thinking about it, but not rushed out to buy it, come by this weekend and pick up your Guitar Hero World Tour from our Indie Scene Cafe. SIgn up for the mini competition and who knows you could be in the running to win win win some goodies! Buy it for Christmas, buy it for New Years, whatever you do, buy it from us, have unlimited fun & save $$!!

    29 NOV 2008 (time tbc)

    Readings + JAZ
    + ASHRAF
    + more…

    VACANT ILLUSIONS and more…

    (taken from the doppelganger blog)
    Facebook event page

    it’s been awhile since I’ve played a daytime gig, and this will be the first time I’m playing at an indie/art festival thingy :p
    So do come and support the local scene, and me if you’re a fan of my stuff. haha

    I’ve got more gigs lined up in December and even one in NBT in January, so stay tuned for more info!