Category: 2storeyheart

  • 2storeyheart (get ready for it-) VIDEOS!

    Haha. So last night’s gig was a blast. I got to perform 6 songs (lol) and the new song was pretty well received. And thanks to my sister I now have videos of me performing! all 6 songs!

    (tonight you are) my star

    the untitled ‘party song’

    october angel

    everyone’s got a myspace song now

    paperback romance

    car crash hearts and a love letter written by a half-dead romantic

    Note- the video is out of sync with the audio and the last few seconds of each song are cut :S I have no idea why, but its better than nothing. Besides you can’t see my face in the videos anyway haha.

    Thanks to all you guys who took your time to come and watch me perform. Thanks to Jasmine for organizing another great gig, and to the bands that performed. An Honest Mistake– I think I’ve found my new favorite local band! You guys were awesome. When Jasmine asked if I was single, I should’ve said ‘yeah..until I fell in love tonight.’ lol

    Here’s to more songs and gigs in the future. Feedback/comments would be appreciated 🙂
    And if you want more, you can head on to myspace.

  • An update of some sort

    So it’s been awhile since I’ve written anything, but I figured I might as well try to write something on this blog.

    For those interested, the past few months I’ve been working on pre-production for Happy Together. No idea when the episodes will be released, but yeah you can head over to the website to see some pictures of the characters. When the site updates, I’ll announce it here as well.

    I finally finished writing my ‘party’ song yesterday. It’s still untitled, and I haven’t recorded it yet, but I’ll be playing it this weekend. When you guys listen to it, maybe you can help suggest a title haha. I’ll probably head into the studios next month to record an EP. Home studio recording just doesn’t cut it lol. But keep watching this space for more info.

    Anyway, here’s an overdue tag from Isobel 😛

    I Love Your Blog Rules:
    1. Pass this award on to 7 people.
    2. Answer the following questions using only one word.

    1. Where is your cell phone? Bed
    2. Where is your significant other? Somewhere
    3. Your hair color? It-was-black-lol
    4. Your mother? Loving
    5. Your father? Positive
    6. Your favorite thing? Laughter (omg Isobel we have the same answer!)
    7. Your dream last night? Unmemorable
    8. Your dream/goal? Death
    9. The room you’re in? Bedroom
    10. Your hobby? Art
    11. Your fear? Cockroaches
    12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Anywhere
    13. Where were you last night? Sri Petaling
    14. What you’re not? Famous
    15. One of your wish-list items? SG
    16. Where you grew up? KL
    17. The last thing you did? Chat
    18. What are you wearing? Clothes
    19. Your TV? Unused
    20. Your pet? None
    21. Your computer? Rocks
    22. Your mood? Miserable
    23. Missing someone? Yes
    24. Your car? Slow
    25. Something you’re not wearing? Eye-liner
    26. Favorite store? 2001
    27. Your summer? Burns
    28. Love someone? Yes
    29. Your favorite color? Brown
    30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
    31. Last time you cried? Sadurday. (lol lame attempt at joke)
    32. Are you a bitch? No
    33. Favorite Position? Wheel-barrow
    34. Favorite Past Time? Art
    35. Are you a hater or a Lover? Lover
    37. Are you genuine or fake? (you can’t answer this question honestly! lol) Genuine
    38. Any Vices? Music
    39. Pro Life or Wire Hanger? shotgun-weddings
    40. McCAIN or OBAMA? Osama
    41. Pro Plastic or Natural? Metal
    42. Dream Job? Rockstar
    43 where the last 11 questions PINK added on fun? wtf?

    AND I TAG:This tag ends with me!

  • Gig #10

    Doppelganger Open Mic @ Marketplace KL

    26 Oct 08
    The eve of Deepavali.
    Come gig with us.
    RM20 incl. 1 drink.
    9pm until late.

    + open mic
    + readings
    + open stage

    Let’s paaaaartay!

    (taken from the doppelganger blog)

    So I’ll be performing as well, hopefully I’ll have my new song by then. I’m still stuck on the lyrics, so yeah, let’s keep our fingers crossed 😛 if not its the same old boring songs again. lol