Pet Brother.

A pet brother is a guy who gets himself stuck in the ‘friends zone’ after unsuccessfully hitting on a girl. Seeing as he has no more chance with her, he hangs on to the few last strands of hope and allows himself to be the next best thing (in his head)- a pet brother.

A ‘pet brother’ is above a ‘normal friend’ in terms of the friendship level. But there is a reason its called a ‘pet friendship’. Because while there might be genuine friendship going on, a pet will never be an equal with its master. Hence they are called pets. Being a pet brother to some girl doesn’t make her your pet sister- pets don’t have pets, pets have masters. In this case, mistresses.

A pet brother will tell his mistress that the guy she likes sucks. ‘Oh I’m so much better than him, what can he do that I can’t? You shouldn’t get together with him!’ and subtly hint to her that he should be the one.

He’ll get excited whenever they go out- to the girl it’s just some normal outing with a friend (pet) but to him, it’ll be the most magical evening they’ll ever spend, each one better than the last. Because in his mind its a date, but the truth is nobody else was free enough chauffeur her out that evening.

Oh yes, he’ll come all the way from the other side of town to pick her up. In his car will be a CD that he burnt- full of songs she loves (that he’s forced himself to love as well). He’ll memorize some lyrics so that they can sing along together. Just because.

He drives an automatic, but he still leaves his hand on the gear stick. He conveniently leaves his hand there. Because he’s secretly hoping. Just hoping, that she will place her hand over his, and grip his hand tightly while he drives. But he keeps it all inside, because he knows that if he says anything more, it would ruin this special ‘friendship’ they share.

All this while, the girl probably notices what’s going on (I heard that girls are pretty perceptive about these things) but she acts nonchalantly about it, because she doesn’t want to ruin this ‘mastery’ that she has over her pet. She’s already got someone else or someone else on her mind. And it is not him. But pet brother has a car and is willing to drive great distances and so she likes keeping him around.

Pet brothers realize this maybe a few years later, and kick themselves for being such tools. Sometimes they’ve become so domesticated, they can’t survive out in the wild, so they continue being pets (sometimes to other mistresses). Sometimes they learn, and move on. Even mastering techniques to make themselves masters, and girls their pets.

Being let go is a better fate than staying a pet for life. Most of the time, it’s worth taking the risk to reveal to your mistress your true intentions.

Klue Words & Tunes + Songwriters Round 23

Photo by Andre
(I tried doing a 300 effect. lol, thanks Albert!)

A few weeks ago at Bangsar Village 2’s MPH was the first time I ever performed at an open mic. It was a pretty interesting experience. The event started off with some really artsy poetry and music. Not something for everyone. Definitely wasn’t for me. But I guess some people can appreciate it. ‘Sonic mayhem’ they called it.

Well anyways, I performed ‘Put this song on your ipod’ and ‘Everyone’s got a Myspace song now’ (which I now call the Friendster song cos people here don’t use Myspace anyway).

Andre took a video of me playing:

It starts off in the middle of the first chorus.

At the end of the performance, I got interviewed! Catch me on the KLUE minute on 8tv! I don’t watch tv myself 😛

My friend Rina put on a great show. She is going to get famous with music, I just know it, watch out for her!

The following week (last weekend) I went to Alexis at Great Eastern Mall for The Songwriter’s Round 23 where Pete Teo, and gang performed, and man they were fucking awesome. I had no idea how good these guys were till that night. Each of them played guitar and sang very well. Pete Teo reminded me of Damien Rice. Azmyl Yunor reminded me of Stephen Lynch. Jerome Kugan was totally different from his MPH performance, and his music was totally original. His tunes and melodies were just so soothing and was a real pleasure to listen to. And lastly, Reza Salleh’s voice just oozed with sex (I quote Albert).

At the open mic session, me and Rina performed as well as a whole bunch of other people. Rina practically blew the rooftops away with her rooftop song. And apparently I was really cute on stage (according to Lynndy and Rina). Everyone laughed and enjoyed my ‘Friendster Song’ which I performed. Even at the end of the show, one dude called out to me ‘YO! FRIENDSTER DUDE!!’

I was actually considering not playing that song that night because of how old the crowd was that night! I was like ‘do they even know what friendster is?!’ But I’m glad I entertained the crowd. I think I can be a stand up comedian one day! These lines made the audience laugh-

“Hi, my name is George, and I don’t have an album”
“My next song is called the friendster song. Its basically a song about online social networking”
“You’ve got 500 friends, but none of them know your name! A couple extra profiles, 41 different photographs, what’s wrong with you?”
“This is a race to see who can get more friends then you really need..Carbon copies of carbon and your friends all look the same”
“Let’s talk, add me, leave a comment”

I don’t have any pictures of the even, but Albert took some photographs of the event and might be putting them up on his blog.

Well, here’s to more open mics in the future. And maybe reaching celebrity status. Maybe my resolution might come true this year after all!

2storeyheart on myspace.

Interview with Rollerbuzz

So I was looking through a notebook which I started earlier this year and realized that there were some stuff I jotted down which I haven’t had the opportunity to blog about yet. And here is one of them- and interview with my little sister. This happened some time around Chinese New Year, in a car, if I can recall correctly.

How did you come up with the name ‘Rollerbuzz’? (that’s the handle my sister uses online)
I don’t know

Do you enjoy being my sister? Why?
No. Cos you bully me all the time. See what you did to my teeth!*

What do you plan to study after high school?

Do you plan to be a professional badminton player?

How do you intend to turn professional?
Train lah. Train harder. Train till I can beat George Wong

How much angpau do you expect to receive this year?

How will you spend your angpau money?
Travel to Europe

Why do you want to go there?
So I can enjoy myself. So I can see snow, real snow. Go and find Ballack. Go and find (illegible text :P)

Any last words before I end this? Anything to say to my readers?
To your readers? Who are they? Who actually reads this?

After typing this interview out, I realized its pretty bad. I should just get some internet quiz and question her next time. But if you noticed the asterisk (*), which means there’s a footnote, and another story for me to tell!

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