Category: Humor

  • Why I shouldn’t make my own sex tapes.

    So I was debating over the title of this next strip. It was either gonna be Lim Kok Wing Sex Scandal (almost) or Why I shouldn’t make my own sex tapes. The latter won.

    (Click for full size)

    It’s kinda straight forward, no there’s no back story to it, it just popped into my head and I drew it out. Seriously, not based on a true story. :p Just poking fun at the fact that people seem to think I’m very hairy and how I seem to be only listening to ‘emo‘ music. Bah!

    This weekend has cloth and clef AND doppelganger going on. I’ll do my best to play at both shows- it’s been awhile since I played at marketplace!

    EDIT : I don’t think there’s a cloth and clef gig going on since rezza will be performing at no black tie, so catch me at marketplace on sunday instead 🙂

  • 50798 #1 – Daylight Ninja

    Remember awhile ago when I posted this announcing this?

    What happened to it you might have asked (or not). Well here’s the story-

    Initially I had planned to do a series of comic strips revolving around my life in high school. But it turns out, I didn’t too many ideas for comic strips concerning my life back then. So I put the project on hold, and eventually forgot about it.

    Fast forward to about a few days ago, I observed an incident on the LRT which gave me the inspiration to finish up the first strip I had planned for the series way back. Anyways, since I don’t have enough material for a website of its own, I have decided to make 50798 a category for my blog posts instead. Comic strips and whatever stuff related to my life in school will be posted under it.

    And finally, why 50798? That was the postal code for my school, Garden International School KL, which I thought was a fitting title for the strip 🙂

    #1 – Daylight Ninja

    So a few days ago in the LRT, I wrote this down in my journal:

    I think I used to be that kind of guy. Always getting the slightest feeling of elation whenever a girl talked to me- hot or not. Happy that any girl would even give me the slightest bit of her attention.
    Just the very thought of speaking to a girl would send shivers up my spine and make me smile at the same time.

    Now that’s not the case anymore- a girl is just another person. Attractive or not, I’ve learned to not “put them on a pedestal”, instead treat them like how I would treat anyone else. That way you don’t end up getting stepped on or taken advantage of. Everyone learns that lesson someday. The backfire of such a mentality is that with your guard up all the time, it’s kinda hard to tell when a girl is genuinely being nice to you or she is being nice to use you- you usually assume the worse.

    Anyway, I take the train and so I observe all sorts of people on my journeys. I noticed this one guy, he was kinda big sized, looked real shy, and like the sort of guy who had issues with his confidence. So he was just standing on the train minding his own business when he saw a girl he recognized. He stood staring at her until the girl turned around and saw him as well. She waved to him, walked over and stood next to him. She wasn’t hot, but the dude’s face lit up and he had the widest grin on his face. Kinda like a nomad who had been traveling for days in the desert without water was given a 1.5L bottle of water.

    So anyway, they had a chat until they both got off (at the same stop) and I jotted this down in my journal. I miss that feeling I used to get.. sometimes I miss being that kind of guy.

    Which brings me to my comic- Daylight Ninja.
    One day after school, I went to see this pretty girl, named Christin, for a drink at Starbucks after class. I was young and shy back then, and I didn’t want my friends to know that I was going out for a drink with her (to avoid all the unwanted teasing :P) so I put on a black shirt and a black cap to disguise myself as I walked out from school. It was a pretty successful disguise, I think only one dude noticed me walking out of school and he wasn’t a close friend so he never bothered asking where I was going. Until now I don’t think many of my close friends even knew it happened. Haha.

    Anyone with similar stories, don’t hesitate to share them here 😛

  • Senior citizens.

    So I was just chatting with Jason about how AC/DC ran out of their pension savings that’s why they’re releasing a new album this year.

    Speaking of old people, here’s a post that I jotted down in my phone awhile ago but never got around to posting it up:

    I was at the bank the other day, waiting for my turn (it was taking forever as usual) when I noticed a sign saying that the first counter was for senior citizens. Basically it was saying ‘old people don’t need to queue up, just come to the front and do your shit’

    So I started day dreaming and imagined how life would be like if was a senior citizen. I would be the worst senior citizen ever! I would abuse my privileges every opportunity I got! I would cut queues, I would pretend that I had poor bladder control and use that as an excuse to push ahead in non-senior citizen lines!

    I would make people give me their seats in trains! I would abuse senior discounts! “I’m buying tickets for the whole old folk’s home!”

    If you’ve seen Jackass, then you know the kind of stunts they pull off with old people suits. I would do those kinds of things, stopping short of showing my balls in public. Haha

    I would scold kids who annoy me, and their parents would agree with me just cos I’m an old man. I would crap and piss in my pants just because people expect me to.

    I would take out my false teeth in public and snap them at people’s ears. I would cough in other people’s food and in their faces.

    I would cuss at random strangers and wave my walking stick in the air. When people talk to me, I’ll pretend not to hear them or that I don’t have short term memory just to annoy them.

    Damn, the things that old people can get away with!