Category: Japan

  • Japan #02

    So here I am sitting in front of my sister’s laptop, in my hotel room at the Tokyo Bay Hotel, typing up a follow up post to this morning’s ramblings. While I have yet to update my site’s layout, I have updated my room’s closet with new clothes. Yes, that’s right. I now officially own shirts and slacks that will be used in my upcoming 9-6 job. Starting October (after I get back from Japan), I’ll be working as a Senior Accounts Executive for Priority Communications. It’s a PR agency, and I’ll be dealing with the tech stuff. Despite being told what I’m going to do, I really have no idea what to expect. There’s going to be a lot to learn, new skills I’ll need to acquire (it’s like playing a brand new hero in DOTA haha), so I’m really looking forward to it.

    Back to Japan: well, I haven’t done much today, except walk around a lot, just checking out the surrounding area. I’m currently here, which is like right next to the sea. I experienced the strong winds and light rain of the typhoon earlier today, it was epic. I could really feel myself being pushed in a direction by the wind. I’ve been eating nothing but noodles here (not complaining) and still haven’t found any amazing ramen yet. Hopefully I will by the end of the trip.

    There are a lot of indoor smoking areas and surprisingly, cigarettes are cheaper than in Singapore (yay!). To summarize my day: midnight reached the airport. Stayed awake until I could catch the bus to the hotel at 5.40am. Reached the hotel and was told that I couldn’t check in just yet. Wandered around the empty streets, found an internet cafe and spent a few hours there. Had lunch. Came back to the hotel at 11, still couldn’t check in. Waited and fell asleep while waiting in the lounge area. Woke up at 2pm, checked into my room, unpacked, showered, slept. Woke up at 8, went out for dinner, came back to the hotel, and now I’m sitting in front of the computer. I’ve got an early day tomorrow, so I’ll be going to bed in awhile. I’m still tired from staying up the whole of yesterday as well, so I’ve got to sleep that off.

    In the meantime, I’ll be uploading photographs to Instagram/Facebook (goodnewsgeorge) so you can keep track of my adventures and meals (lol) there if these text posts are too much for you. Til tomorrow, take care.

    P.S. Liz, thanks for downloading Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels- I’ve got my entertainment for tonight 😀

  • Japan #01

    Wow. So I finally made it here.

    Not the same way that I thought I would be doing at the start of the year, but hey – I guess it’s better than nothing. I’m currently typing this post on a Japanese keyboard and man it is tough. I keep having to backspace every five seconds. The symbols are all over the place, not like conventional QWERTY keyboards, but hey it’s a minor gripe. I landed in Japan around midnight on Sunday, stayed awake until 5.40 to catch the bus to my hotel only to find out that I can only check in at 2pm. Seeing how it’s 7am on a Sunday right now and nothing is open, I decided to look for an internet cafe to write this out.

    So far from what I’ve seen, Tokyo looks awesome. It’s like Singapore but a billion times bigger. Super clean streets, lovely buildings, people cycling everywhere and so on. I’m definitely having trouble communicating with the locals, but I guess it comes with the territory. Doesn’t help that I’m Chinese either, as everybody expects me to speak Japanese when I approach them. Haha. Anyway, I got a long way to go until I check in, and I’m tired as shit. So, I can’t really think of anything to write here at the moment except that I’m safe and sound and in Tokyo. I’ll blog more when I get into my hotel room, so I’ll just end the post here.