Category: Writing Assignments

  • What I’ve learnt over the past month…

    …is that I still have a lot to learn to consider myself truly proficient in English, especially when it comes to writing.

    Being raised by English-speaking parents, going to an English school and an appetite for reading played a huge role the cultivation of my English skills – but I didn’t learn most of it by following rules. I just went with what “sounded” correct (which is not a bad thing to do but probably not the best method either). Over the past few weeks of the Write101x course, learning the rules of verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives etc have opened up my eyes to how the English language works.

  • Writing is like asking a girl out

    [NOTE: this blog post is an assignment for my online Grammar 101 course]

    Writing is like asking a girl out

    There are many parallels to draw between writing and asking a girl out. Actually not really, but since I couldn’t think of what to compare it to, I just took the first thing that came to mind. Let’s see how I can forcefully marry the two activities together.