Coming Soon

Announcing your projects is a good way to hold yourself accountable, right? At least that’s what I thought. I announced Animal Bus a while ago and I haven’t made any significant progress since then. Chalk it down to laziness. I’ve got no excuses and I’ve only got myself to blame. Then again, nobody has seen what I’ve done so far, so it’s not like people are asking for me to publish it.

Nanowrimo is just around the corner and I’ve decided that instead of participating this year, I’ll be working on Animal Bus instead. Yes. For the month of November, I’ll be committing myself to draw at least a page a day (according to NaGraNoWriMo – National Graphic Novel Writing Month, which was supposed to be in October, the goal is to write a 48-page comic script in a month). While I probably won’t be able to finish the comic within a month, at least I’ll have sufficient content for people to read. And if people are actually enjoying it, that will hopefully push me to finish the comic in the following months. If people don’t – I’ll still finish it anyway, it’s just something I want to get out there. So, look out for Animal Bus this December. I’ll update my blog when it goes live!

If you’ve been following my Instagram, I’ve been having fun participating in Inktober, so the momentum should carry through. Perfect timing.


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