Diary-like post? Diary-like post.
I dreamed about work again. Funny. Can’t recall what exactly happened, but I know it had something to do with working at the Big Bad Wolf Sale.
This week has been good to me. While the past 3 weeks have been spent working everyday, this week I actually managed find time to perform at two gigs. I also got to hang out with my friends for dinner and desserts – something I haven’t done in a while.
Also caught up to the second last episode of Better Call Saul for this season – looking forward to the finale next week. I’m sad that it’s going to be the last episode until the following year, but also kinda happy it’s over since I’ll be away for the next few weeks so Milin and I won’t be tortured waiting for me to get back to watch it together.
Na’Vi actually made it to the Starladder Invitational grand final which will take place later tonight. I’m glad they’ve managed to find their form. Will be rooting for them! R.I.P. OG for the early exit. Hopefully they stick together and improve.
I went shopping for some socks earlier today. Man, those things are expensive – or I’ve been shopping at the wrong places. RM11 for a pair of plain white ankle socks, did they always cost that much?
Used Uber to get around today because I didn’t want to deal with Mid Valley parking. Encountered two nice gentlemen who were newbies. One of them even forgot to start the trip until halfway which resulted in a cheaper ride for me (kek). Didn’t get any threatening looks from taxi drivers.
Also got my passport photo done. Those things sure aren’t cheap. Fortunately I don’t have to get them made too often. I think.
I’m sitting at Doiffee, drinking coffee, vaping and typing this nonsense out. Gonna just chill out and not do much this week. I think I deserve it.
Next week will be the first time I set foot in Indonesia. Will be there for work. Should be interesting. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve left the country. I’m gonna miss my family. And Snuggles. But I’ll probably be too busy to miss them too much. Any recommendations for what I should/could do there during any down time?
I’ll probably write. And play games on my tablet or laptop. If I’m not too tired.
Anyway, until then, sampai ketemu lagi!
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