Not that I give a shit about my age (maybe I will in 5 years time, or when they finally let me into 21/Velvet lol), but it annoys me when people try to correct me when I tell them my age. Let’s get some facts straight. A year is 365 days long (365 and 1/4 days if you want to be anal). You turn a year older 365 days after your birthday. It doesn’t matter what year you are born in, the same rule applies to all birthdays.
So when I tell people that I am 24 now, they all assume I was born in 1986. When I tell them I was born in 1985, they say ‘then you must be 25 now!’
Just because I am 25 this year (in December), it does not mean that I am 25 now. Yeah I will be 25 later this year, but as of now I am not! If my age increased just because the year changed, I would only be 24 for 14 days. Which is stupid.
Oh wow, I have indirectly written about my birthday. I’m expecting a shit load of presents now, considering I get 100 hits a day on this blog. LOL.
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