Songs on Repeat

Yes, as if blogging on wasn’t enough, I’m also writing for a new blog with Seng Yip, Ferhan and Jason. It’s called Songs on Repeat, and it will be a blog that’s focused on music (who would’ve thought?). And no, I won’t be writing 30/day there, but you can expect something from me at least once a week. In fact, I’ve just written my first post for the blog today and you can check it out here.

Add us to your favorites, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! We’ve only just started but hopefully it turns out to be something great. And yes, this blog will still be around for me to write stuff about my own life.

In other news, The Wishing had a great jam session today, and we’re feeling good enough to play our first show. We’ve got loads of stuff to share and we can’t wait to play to you guys live for the first time. Stay tuned!


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