Tag: gigs

  • Gig #143: The Crown by W1

    Gig #143: The Crown by W1

    People always ask me, hey, why don’t you cover music? Truth be told, I’m not the best at singing (or playing the guitar), so I try not to butcher other people’s songs. Especially songs by famous people. Since everybody knows those songs, they know when I’m not singing it right.

    Nobody knows when I make a mistake when I sing original songs because nobody even knows what it’s supposed to sound like. That’s it, really.

    Now that’s out of the way, I’m glad to announce that I’ll be performing at an originals-only open mic this Saturday, 10 August, at The Crown by W1, Telawi Bangsar.

    It will be full of other indie musicians, playing their own music, so chances are – songs you’ve never heard of before. Been a while since I played at one of these, so I’m looking forward to it! Also, it’s a brand new venue for me.

    Got nothing to do on a Saturday night? Drop by for some chill tunes and chill beer. See you there <3

    Google Maps | Instagram | 10 August | 8.30 PM

  • Gig #142: Twenty Eight Music Bar

    Another last-minute announcement – got a last-minute slot to perform at Twenty Eight, Telawi tonight. Spend your Monday night with some cool tunes and cool beers. <3

    Google Maps | Instagram | 15 July | 8 PM

  • Gig #141: Rahsia Speakeasy Bar

    New month, new location! Got roped in last minute to perform here tonight, so drop by if you’ve got no plans on a Wednesday night. Should be a good time!

    Google Maps | Instagram | 10 July | 8 PM