Why do people even bother praying? Whenever something bad happens to someone, people say send your prayers to X or keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Does it even matter if you do?
I keep hearing all the time that something is ‘God’s plan‘ so why even bother trying to ask for otherwise? If something is going to happen because it’s destined or predetermined, then what are you praying for?
Isn’t trying to change an outcome going against your god’s plan? Why are you not going along with it? Are you saying he/she/it is wrong? Can god be wrong?
Why would god listen to the words from your lips? Unless you’re saying you’re so powerful that god listens to you. If that’s the case, then why can’t you pray for everything you want in life and get it? People say you can’t pray for selfish things – isn’t praying for someone’s health selfish in a way? You want someone to survive so you can spend more time with them. If you didn’t intend on ever seeing that person again, you wouldn’t have bothered.
What if someone else was praying for the same person’s death? Who does god listen to then? Does god even listen? How does god decide who to listen to?
If god doesn’t listen, then why pray? Why aren’t we questioning god’s ‘shitty’ decisions in the first place?
“Oops, I accidentally gave your grandma cancer. Deal with it.”
Does an almighty and powerful god need to listen to people to know what to do? Does god even give a shit?
Pray if it makes you feel better, or if you want to. Just don’t pray and expect anything to happen. If anything does happen, know that it’s because you worked to achieve it, or it was a coincidence. It wasn’t because you prayed for it.
Change things you know you can instead of trying to invoke some mysterious force in the sky. It’s much more effective.
Here’s a wonderful bit by a comedian I came across a few months ago on Netflix:
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