Toilet Thoughts

One thing I’ve noticed while waiting for my turn in public toilets is that there are dudes who stare at other people’s dicks while pissing. I’m not sure why they do it, but they do. I’m not sure if it’s wrong but I think not everybody is comfortable with their dongs being stared at.

Why do people use the water from the urinals to wash their hands? I first noticed this when I was in Indonesia – I know the water that flows out from the pipe is technically clean, but why not just use the sink that’s available? It baffles my mind why people would do such things.

The other day, I completely forgot to flush the toilet bowl because I was in a rush. I didn’t get to see the reaction of the dude who walked into the stall after me but I only realized it while I was washing my hands. I hope he wasn’t too mad. I’m glad I have auto-flushing toilets at work so I never have to worry about forgetting.

Why do people have conversations on their phones in public toilets while taking shits? Don’t they care about the sounds that will be picked up over the microphone? On another note, why do people stand around having conversations in the toilet? Why not take a few steps outside so you don’t have to block an already cramped space?

I wonder if toilet cleaners make mental notes about people who use their toilet. Oh shit, not this guy again, sigh. *Puts on heavy-duty gloves*

Some people actually watch football games in the toilet without using headphones or muting their phones.

I wonder how many shit particles are stuck to our phones after a week of regular usage?

Just some random thoughts I’ve saved from my experience using public toilets.


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