“Oh, he/she was so young.”
What is that supposed to mean?
Is there an age we’re supposed to die at?
Is any age ever a good age to die?
Can someone be too old to die?
Or is that just the default response for someone to say whenever they find out the age of someone who passed away?
Isn’t it all relative? What if the person who passed away did everything he/she ever wanted to do before passing away? Would that a good age then?
What if they didn’t die, and spent the rest of their life accomplishing nothing else. Would they be at a better age to die then?
If someone was too old, would the correct response be “I guess his/her time was up”?
There’s no right age to die.
People just die.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” is sufficient.
There’s really no need to add anything else. It doesn’t make people feel any better. Really.
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