is (almost) dead

Long live I’ve finally done it. I’ve kicked off the migration of this blog from to You’ll be able to access until the 8th of April, 2023. After that, it’ll return an error. At least until some cybersquatter decides to buy it (lol).

Remember to update your links and bookmarks.

I don’t think I’ve ever written about how the name blorgy came about. 16 years on, it’s still as childish as it was in 2007. Blorgy is a portmanteau of blog + orgy. Why did I choose that for a blog name? I honestly can’t remember.

Maybe it was a 21-year-old me trying to will into existence an orgy between the hot bloggers and myself. Sad to say, nothing of that sort happened. Blogging didn’t get me the ladies. Anyhow, I’m glad it’ll soon be left in the past and we can all move forward with the more tasteful alternative.

As you can see, this is what my blog looks like now. I’m mostly happy with it, but still experimenting with it (it’s been a while since I messed around with WordPress themes, holy shit they can be so complex these days). This blog is using Neve, a lightweight theme, that’s pretty customizable.

I’ve wanted to do something vaporwave-inspired but also tone it down a bit. I’m the biggest reader of my own blog and if it’s too much for my eyes, it’s probably too much for other people. So, muted colors, and a white background for the black text to stand out from. I might add a color or two.

The photograph at the top is a highly edited photo of the swimming pool where I live. The content is still the same, and I like my current layout, so I had no reason to change that. That being said, expect some tweaks in the coming weeks. Nobody gets things right the first time around.

I’m going to stick with this for a while until something else catches my eye or I can think of a better design. I have a feeling people may or may not like this font. If I get too many complaints, I’ll change it, but it really gives the vibe I’m going for.

Also, the old blog loaded really slowly for some reason. It wasn’t even a heavy theme, I believe this one should load much faster. I can already feel it on my end. Not much more to say other than I’ve managed to complete one of my goals for this year, so hooray.

Let me know if you have any feedback or comments about this design. I’m all ears.


9 responses to “ is (almost) dead”

  1. Captain Awesome Avatar
    Captain Awesome

    Love the minimal theme and congrats on the migration. I love this kind of font as well and the design here is clean

    1. goodnewsgeorge Avatar


  2. Christin Avatar

    Wah I think you have the new web3 esthetic down

    1. goodnewsgeorge Avatar

      wait til I unveil my NFT drops ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  3. Lurker Avatar

    I’ve enjoyed reading over the years, thank you ♥️

    1. goodnewsgeorge Avatar

      you’re welcome! thanks for lurking

  4. Chung Li Wen Avatar

    It’s been great reading your blog over the years. Looking forward to many more articles over the years.

    Keep writing!

    1. goodnewsgeorge Avatar

      thanks, I see that you still blog too! keep it up as well 🙌

      1. Chung Li Wen Avatar

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