Paused Thoughts/Gig #91

It’s been about three months since I started blogging on a daily basis (well more like 5 posts a week) and I usually have no issues putting my thoughts down into words. Today is the first time I’m having trouble thinking of what to write about.

So I decided to write a post about not having anything to write about. I wonder why that happens. It’s not like your mind ever goes blank. There are infinite things to think about. There is no way you can ever finish thinking. Even when you die, you don’t finish thinking about things – you just stop. Maybe if you’re brain damaged, you might have reduced capacity to think of things. But even then, it’s unlikely you’ll finish thinking about every single thing.

But then why do we encounter writer’s block? If it’s because writing is hard and requires physical effort? What about having nothing to say when out on a date or trying to mingle at a party? It’s not that hard to think of things to say.

Sometimes we don’t say things because it won’t be appropriate it. Other people might find it offensive. Or weird. Or stupid. And then you wish that you hadn’t said anything at all. Maybe that’s why we keep quiet. Or refuse to put words down onto a page. Because we’re afraid of what other people think.

Or maybe I’ve just been writing way too much and need to take a break.

I’ll think about it.

Also, I wanna announce that I’ll be performing at Grind 22 in Bangsar again this Sunday. It’s going to be an afternoon gig (4-7pm) so do drop by if you have the time! Other performers include: Brendan, Fikri, Hilmi, and Endee. See you guys there <3.

Gig #90: Coffee + Chords 2


I’ll be performing again tomorrow at Grind22 in Bangsar. It starts at 8:00pm and I’ll be performing alongside Endee Ahmad, Hilmy Amim, and Ian Tai. It’s a pretty chill coffee place, come for drinks and music if you’ve got the time!

Gig #89 was an open mic night at Rougeur 2 weeks ago. Pretty cool place, though a bit hard to find and not really a gigging venue, but it’s always fun to be able to play at new places!

Gig #88: Coffee + Chords


In case you were wondering what happened to gig #87, I played a show last week at Barlai. Anyway tomorrow (or later today), I’ll be playing at Grind 22’s Coffee + Chords event. I haven’t played in a cafe in awhile, so it’s gonna be interesting.

Anyway, I’m getting a full set (30 mins), if you want to see me play (it’s also been a looooooong ass time since I’ve played in Bangsar), do drop by. Event details are as follow:

Venue: Grind 22, Bangsar
Time: 8-11pm
Date: 28 October 2015

8:30pm Razak
9:00pm Fikri
9:30pm George
10:00 Ian Tai

Anyway, I hope to see you guys there <3