To everyone who came to support me on wednesday night, thank you very much. I love you all <3 I made it to the finals, so see you guys on June 3rd! Tonight (saturday) at 11pm, Urban Attic, Capsquare KL I'll be performing again. Luna, the organizer, sent me a message saying that they were going to promote the finalists by letting them play 3 songs and get interviewed. So yeah, if you happen to be in the area tomorrow or you have nothing to do, just drop by! I'll promise I'll do my best to put on a good show 😀
Category: 2storeyheart
2storey(bad)news/Gig #24
Alright, I have some bad news.
I’m not going to be releasing my EP anytime soon. Nope. The reason due to the sudden outburst of bullshit all over my life recently, I don’t have the money to finish recording all my songs- not anytime soon anyway. But not all is lost- I’m going to finish recording at least 1 or 2 songs, and release them as singles. Probably through radio stations (if they pick them up), the internet and maybe CDs at shows.
So in the meantime, I’ll concentrate on performing (hopefully getting more paid gigs) and demoing/writing new songs. It wasn’t my choice, I know I’ve been hyping and talking a lot about my upcoming EP, but I didn’t ask for shit to happen and so here I am just dealing with it.
Which brings me to my next point-
Gig #24
Urban Attic’s Acoustic Showdown
Urban Attic, Cap Square KL
10pm onwardsI’ll be playing on the 20th of May (heats), so bring all your friends and buy loads of drinks and vote for me! (even if I play badly!)
There’s a grand prize of 1k (solo act), so if I win that, that would be awesome. I can buy you back the drink that you bought to vote for me. But if I don’t win.. oh well 😛 Anyway, hope to see you guys there!It’s been ages since I’ve played. I’m gonna try get as many shows as I can. If you guys have any contacts or want me to play for a show, just hit me up on facebook (oh I have an official facebook page now!) or drop me a comment here, or send me an email-
btw regular blogging will resume soon. I’m pretty sure most of you guys are tired of just reading song lyrics by now haha. I have loads of things to share, my phone is filled with random thoughts 😀