Category: 2storeyheart

  • Gig #19, #20

    EDIT: I’ll be performing at Youth Malaysia at PWTC tomorrow! (Saturday, 10th Jan 2009). My set will bet at 6pm, the Creative Mafia Alley (wherever that is haha). More details here. Official Youth Malaysia site. See you guys there!!

    This Saturday, I’ll be playing at Youth Malaysia, PWTC. I’m not sure about the time yet, but when I get the info, I’ll update this post and facebook (George Wong if you don’t have me yet :P)


    Time Out: On the Up

    Wed Jan 21, 2009
    Wed Jan 21, 2009
    No Black Tie, 17 Jalan Mesui, Off Jalan Nagasari, Off Jalan Raja Chulan, KL.
    03 2142 3737, call after 5pm
    Contact Us
    Entry Fees:
    RM20. RM10 with the Time Out KL voucher
    Advance Booking:

    This will be my first gig ever at No Black Tie (w00t!), and the line up is awesome- Izzy Mohamed, Secret Love Affair, Brokenscar and yours truly, 2storeyheart! What a way to kick off the new year 😀 I know NBT is a bit pricey, but I’ll make it worth your while! haha

    Spread the word! Bring everyone you know! Hope to see you guys there!

    And yes, my internet still isn’t working. TM promises the 14th. Let’s hope they deliver -__-

  • Gig #18

    And so, I still haven’t got my internet back yet- but the streamyx people told me it would be this week, so let’s just hope they deliver. I have loads of stories to share, but no time to blog them when I’m out, so stick around for a while more! This blog isn’t dead :p

    And just a quick announcement, I’ll be performing at the doppelganger open mic stage on New Year’s Eve at Soho KL, around 5-ish. So if you’ll be there for NYE, do come check me out!

    My gig on Sunday was amazing! Loads of friends turned up, the acts were solid, and everyone had a great time. Definitely looking forward to more doppelgangers like the last one!

    And I just gotta plug my favorite band this year: My Favorite Highway. I’ve been listening to these guys all week on repeat non stop, and they’re now up there as one of my favorite bands of all time. Check out Getaway car, Steel City, and Simple Life. They aren’t heavy and they write great tunes with great lyrics. Band of the year for me 😀

  • Home Sweet Home

    So, after spending weeks away from home, I’ve finally moved back to my own place. Those dudes built back the roads faster than I imagined. I guess even Malaysians can be hardworking sometimes.. haha

    Spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday performing at Soul Cafe (this gospel hall opposite Starbucks in Bangsar Telawi 3) which was pretty fun. It was a good experience playing 3 nights in a row, especially on the second night when I teamed up with Darren (An Honest Mistake) and Ronnie, and we improvised backing vocals for each other 😀

    Anyways, I’m just here to plug my gig this weekend: I’ll be headlining Doppelganger KL on the 28th of December, Marketplace KL, so do come watch! Bring your friends! Bring hot girls! (for Andre). For more details click here, or talk to me on facebook (George Wong).