Random 2.25am announcement

Tomorrow will mark my return to the magic scene!
Ever since I started work, I never had the time to go play anymore, and so I decided that if I ever play, I’ll just join big tournaments and special events.

Tomorrow is the Nationals Qualifier (qualified people can’t play yay..) hopefully I won’t get pwned by n00bs.. haha

Will probably edit this post with a report later.

Beauty and the Beast rocks. I re-watched it this afternoon and it was frickin’ beautiful.

I am off to bed.

There’s a first time for everything..

Remember the first time you stayed over night at your office cos you had work to do?

Neither have I.
Its 2.11 AM and here I am at the internet terminal in the office blogging about staying over night in the office.

Good thing I had some spare cushions in the car. Hope I won’t wake up with a back ache.

Boy, do deadlines suck or what?

Early morning blues

So, one morning as I was exiting the condominium, I was greeted by a slimy friend on the card reader:

This morning I was bored at a traffic light, so I took a picture of my jeans

this is what a hardcore Saosin fan wears! (I think I got the jean-scribbling habit from my sister..she started it a long time ago!)

Anyways, I’ll be off to Singapore in a few hours time. Don’t think anything crazy will happen this time around.. but I’ve got my camera just in case. Take care kids!

I’ll be home soon.