Category: Music

  • We got so high we couldn’t see the bottom

    Dance Gavin Dance. If anyone asked me for a band to check out today, I’d recommend these guys in a heartbeat – unless that person hated heavy music, even then I’d still try my luck anyway. To be honest, it wasn’t until late last year that I got into these guys. Quick history – I heard about Dance Gavin Dance many years ago when they still had Jonny Craig on vocals. However, I wasn’t really into their music at that time so I ignored them until a few years ago when Tilian Pearson (their current singer) was rumored to join Saosin. Since I was a huge Saosin fan and was curious about who was going to fill Cove Reber’s shoes, I decided to check him out.


  • If I give more than enovgh grovnd, will yov claim it?

    A bit late but I finally hopped on the Chvrches bandwagon. Holy shit, how good is this band? I know they had some catchy tunes a while ago but I never bothered listening to the rest of their discography. It was only after a Song Exploder episode where they broke down Clearest Blue I decided to listen to the rest of their songs. And man, I was blown away. I don’t have much to say other than this band has some of the catchiest synth pop beats and melodies I’ve had the pleasure of listening to.

    Dark, moody, atmospheric and at times uplifting, energetic without being over the top. Also, some of their songs would fit in a Hotline Miami soundtrack (Lies anyone?). They’re also currently working on their third album which I’m looking forward to. In the meantime, feast your ears on these tracks:

    Chvrches – Clearest Blue

    Chvrches – The Mother We Share

    Chvrches – Recover

    Chvrches – Empty Threat

    Chvrches – Playing Dead

    Chvrches – NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

  • And you smile like a saint but you curse like a sailor

    If there’s one thing a lot of people tell me after they listen to me perform is that it’s my music reminds them of Dashboard Confessional. I can’t disagree with them because Chris Carrabba is probably the main reason I even picked up guitar in the first place. But my songs are nowhere as near as good as his. Honestly, if my songs were to be placed side by side with Dashboard songs, nobody would disagree that they are miles apart – objectively speaking. Also, subjectively speaking – his songs are much more interesting and varied than mine. But today I’m not talking about my songs, instead I’ll be sharing about Dashboard Confessional (which I’m surprised I haven’t done yet for my Music Monday posts).

    I was first introduced to Dashboard Confessional via the MTV Road Rules soundtrack alongside Thrice and Coheed and Cambria. I really enjoyed the respite of an acoustic track in a mostly energetic album, but I didn’t really listen to much of them until a friend (a huge Dashboard fan who frequently quoted their lyrics in her MSN statuses and blog posts) shared Hands Down with me and I was hooked.

    Saints and Sailors
