You’re a classic disaster, with a knack for losing your exterior

Today’s band is probably not going to be everybody’s cup of tea, but after reading news about their reunion and hearing their guitarist on the Break It Down podcast, I figured there wouldn’t be a better time than now to share about them.

I first got into them when I was in college and was introduced to them by a friend of mine. At that point in time, I was already hooked into “screamo” bands of that era – Thursday, The Used, Thrice and so on – so adding another band into my playlist wasn’t a big deal. Brutal screams, catchy hooks and melodies, and intense drumming – are some of their defining characteristics. One thing that stood out to me was the way the clean vocalist sounded and I was also impressed that he was the drummer for the band.

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Professional Rapper

When I was younger, I loved listening to rap music. I didn’t care who sang it, as long as the lyrics flowed and there was a sick beat going on in the background, I was hooked. I was first exposed to rap through Emninem back in highschool – the fact that he could cuss and swear in songs was an eye (ear?) opening experience. After that, I started listening to other rappers who were big at that time – name Limp Bizkit (not pure rap, but it was still rap) and Cypress Hill.

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