So the other day my car battery died again. And I was inspired to draw this comic.
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Category: Pictures
The follies of owning a 17 year old car.
When distance doesn’t matter.
So you know how some people tilt their phone sideways when they talk into it? Like some sort of walkie-talkie.
Why do people do that? I mean seriously, how much difference does that miniscule reduction in distance between mouth to mircrophone make? None! If they can’t hear you when you speak in the first place, then just speak up, or move to a place that gets bettere reception, change your phone or ask them to do the same.
No difference! You know why? Because phones were designed to be held to the side of your face! -
So the other day, there was a cute girl on the train
The train was fully packed and there was this really cute girl who right in front of me. She was so close that I could have easily smelt her hair or kissed her if I was weird. But I’m not I drew a comic inspired by that event instead-
The daydream