Category: Stories

  • One month and counting

    As most of you would already know by now, I’m no longer working for Ubergizmo. I decided to do something else with my life, and to cut the long story short I’m now working elsewhere. To be specific: Priority Communications Sdn Bhd. I’ve been here over a month now, and it’s been great.

    Prior to Priority I had no experience in PR and I can say that it has changed my life. For better or for worse? I can’t say yet. All I know is that I have awesome colleagues who have made the whole learning process enjoyable and palatable. I learn something new almost every day, and while I may not be the best people person I know, I’m pretty sure I’m much better than who I was a month ago.

    So George, you’re in PR now, what do you do? Well, the bulk of my job involves monitoring the media for what they say about my client, its competitors and the industry. Secondly, organizing events and inviting the media to them (which probably deserves a post of its own). I haven’t done a lot of writing yet, but I’m sure it won’t be that way for long.

    Regardless, I’m enjoying myself in this strange new world that I have yet to conquer and I can’t wait to see what comes next. I know I’ve got a long way to go before I get where I want to be but until then, I’ll try to enjoy the journey.

    business cards, say what?!

  • Carrier, carrier, carrier.

    When I hear the word carrier, a few things come to mind. Mainly, AT&T/Verizon/Sprint/T-Mobile because I used to write for The second thing that comes to mind would be the Protoss Carrier from StarCraft. Well, today it has a new meaning for me. Let me start from the beginning.

  • First update from Phuket

    So I’ve taken the first steps of my journey to a new start in life. For the past four days, I’ve been living in Phuket and its been nothing short of amazing. I love it here. The people are great, so is the food, and damn it is cheap! Cigarettes cost RM7.80 for a box of Marlboro (no I haven’t “upgraded” – they just don’t sell Pall Mall cigarettes here) and beer averages RM10 for a large bottle!
