Chicken Rice Balls (and more stories from my handphone)

So I haven’t posted in awhile. I haven’t been too free. But all that has changed! Muawahahahaha

I spent last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at the office working my ass off (with my colleagues) to meet a deadline (we didn’t make it anyway lol). Reminded me of my final semester at Lim Kok Wing, where I wouldn’t sleep and just work all day and night. Eating like one meal a day, just working, working working..

Anyways..on to clearing out the saved messages on my handphone:

I don’t see what’s the point of chicken rice balls- they taste the same as normal chicken rice. You just have a harder time eating it. Someone decided they could make money by making balls out of rice and selling them at higher prices. Well I guess it worked!

Written when I was on a trip to Melaka awhile back..chicken rice balls FTL!

Cars should have a ‘go ahead’ light! You sometimes you encounter situations when you’re moving slowly and another car slows down for you, you don’t get it, but when you do and speed up, the other car speeds up and you can’t go anymore.. Sometimes they flash their lights, but you never know what they mean! Go? or don’t go!

Written when I was annoyed with cars.

Villains aren’t so cool anymore. I saw a snatch thief victim. Blood all on his hands. I felt pity for him.

Now I understand why people never glorify real villains.

My mom doesn’t like going back home before completing everything, its a waste of time i guess it rubbed off on me

A load of gibberish, but it basically means that nowadays, I don’t like going out of the house, coming back home and then going out again. If I’m going out, I want to get everything done before returning home. Something my mom does all the time. Last time whenever I came back home and went out again, she would scold me, ‘wah you think petrol so cheap ah?!’ so I guess I slowly conformed.

A mars a day helps you work, rest and play

I read if on the Mars chocolate bar wrapper.

Everytime someone jumps a red light, I like to shake my head in hopes that they would see me and feel guilty

Doesn’t everybody do that? They go ‘tsk tsk’ inside the car, when clearly the other person 10 meters away, behind at least 2 layers of glass can hear them. The things people do.

My cousin is twelve and I wear smaller shirts than him

Something is obviously wrong here.

Bringing sprouts to a cashier, express counter denies entry.

I always wondered if one day what if a cashier decides to play a prank and deny to serve a customer who brought a bag of sprouts to the express counter. ‘less than 10 items sir! that looks like a 100 beans!’

And to conclude, I shall leave you guys with a taste of an upcoming project :p
Click here
I’m not saying what it is.. yet 🙂

Sans-Capoeira/Shoe Shops/Plagiarism

Was gonna post a video of my colleagues doing a capoeira dance in the office, but for some reason it won’t transfer from my no video!

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A while ago when I was at a shoe shop waiting for Raelene, I realized that its a pretty common sight to see a guy waiting for the girl he’s with at a shoe shop. Then I thought about what a conversation with one of them would be like.
“Shoe shopping again?”
“Yeah, you bet!”
“20 pairs of shoes since we got together..and it doesn’t look like she’s stopping anytime soon!”
“Only? My chick’s getting her 30th pair today!”
“I don’t understand them”
“Me neither.”
“Hey we should hang out”
“Err..sorry, I’m not that kind of guy..”
“No you don’t get what I mean!”
“Honey! Let’s leave!”

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Another thing I’ve noticed online- the plagiarism of blog posts. I mean seriously, why do people do it?! It’s not like they’re being graded for what they write online! People go to your blog because they wanna know how you think/feel. They don’t really give a shit if you write really bad or not, if they did, they wouldn’t be coming to your blog in the first place. If they wanted to know how you were doing, they would read it, regardless how horrible you write. Blogging isn’t a fucking competition. If you want fame, start a porn site, way faster, and nobody’s gonna accuse you of being a copy cat. Cos if you steal from other blogs and try to pass them off as your own writing, people will eventually find out, and then you will be ruined.

To everyone who’s ever been plagiarized, my hat’s off to you for writing material worth stealing 🙂

More stories from the driver’s seat

I was listening to this piano instrumental by this Korean dude called Yurima on the way to work the other morning, and I felt like I was going to end up in a car crash! It was like the part in a movie just before a car collides- you see everything in slow motion, all the expressions on everybody’s faces, flashbacks, children crying. So tragic.

The song’s called ‘Kiss the rain’.

Speaking of car crashes and rain, I don’t understand why rain causes jams. People just drive a little slower, that shouldn’t be a problem. It’s not like its that hard to see! Imagine if rain wasn’t colorless. Now that would be fucking annoying. Imagine if rain was blue, and it stuck to your windshield. Traffic jams? Understandable.

The other day as I was waiting for my turn at the toll booth, I thought of how funny it would be to give a RM50 note during rush hour. I thought it would make a pretty good dumbass stunt. Then the dude in front of me decided to read my mind and pull the stunt on me instead! If I was anybody else, I probably would’ve been pissed. But I was laughing to myself in the car.

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The other day, as I was looking through my wallet for change to pay for the toll, the dude inside the booth said to me “Hey dude! are you listening to the new Circa Survive album? What do you think about it? You should check out this local band, they’re just like them! Hell, since we’re both Circa fans, I’ll let you pass for free!”(translated from Malay of course)

No of course that didn’t happen. But I was just thinking about the toll booth workers- do they listen to what you listen to when you wind your windows down? Do you think that when you play their favorite song, deep down inside, they actually want to sing along to it, but are afraid to do so? Do you think they get annoyed when you play your music too loud, and you’re taking your time to find your change? Do they want to tell you to turn that shit off?

I don’t know why, but toll booth people fascinate me. I must find the blog of a toll booth worker one day and read all about his/her life.

Maybe I’ll try working as one in the future. I’ll be blasting good music from my little booth. Be sure to pass through me then, I won’t report if you speed through the barrier or give me insufficient cash.

The other day, a cop who was driving next to me kept staring at me. All because I was scratching my head and driving. He must’ve thought I was talking on the phone. What a n00b. hahaha