Sunday afternoon home

Clearing out my phone’s saved messages again- here we go!

So the other day I drove next to this guy in a black 1990 Celica

and parked next to him. It was a coincidence really, our cars happened to be the same color as well. Only thing he had was a larger muffler. Anyways, when I got out of the car, he gave me this stare like I was trying to steal his girlfriend or something (which was right beside him in his car). So I ran over to his window, punched through it and shards of glass went into his eyes. Just kidding about the punching part. I just ignored it and walked off. But yeah, it wasn’t like I did anything! I didn’t even notice his girlfriend at first. It was dark at night. But anyways, thanks for the cold stare asshole!

Drinking soft drinks for rings for dialysis machines

Recently I’ve been collecting can drink rings for a friend who wants them to make a wheel chair (she promised me I could ride in it when it was completed lol). I remembered a few years back, another friend of mine wanted the rings for making a dialysis machine as well. I’m like how many things can you make with these things? Next thing I know we’re gonna have an airplane made from can rings. Then I started thinking about what I was doing- I was drinking unhealthy drinks for a health-related purpose. I thought that was ironic. Maybe next time I’m really gonna need the wheelchair when my legs freeze up from having too much sugar, or I’ll need the dialysis machine cos I put salt in all my drinks (no I don’t do that).

Don’t change your toothbrush every 3 months, brush twice a day, don’t use mouthwash, don’t go to the dentist, you’ll have great teeth like me, never be afraid to smile anymore

And I have to add ‘no flossing either’ to the list. The other day I was talking with Raelene about teeth, and I mentioned how I never took good care of them, but they still remain some of the best looking teeth around (haha..I kid). I’ve had numerous comments about how white my teeth are, or how straight they are blablabla and so on, but I never went beyond the duty of just brushing them twice a day. I never floss, only went to the dentist when my teeth hurt (so far I’ve only been to the dentist 3-4 times my whole life), never changed my toothbrush every 3 months- I mean come on! they start to get comfortable after 2 months! I hate the feeling of brand new bristles over my teeth..its so.. bad?? It’s indescribable. Haha. A few days after that conversation I had a toothache. I’m supposed to go to the dentist to check it out, but I have yet to :p It’s gone now, and hopefully it won’t resurface.

Traffic reports don’t save time, they tell you what you already know! What if you had to go kl and it’s jammed all over?

Traffic reports are useless. Period. They do not save you time! They give you reports in real time. They tell you what is already happening. The other day I was stuck in KL and the report came on. ‘Traffic is congested all over KL’ Yeah, tell me something I don’t already know! I mean, what if the place you’re going to only has one way to reach it? When you live here, you learn to live with the jam anyway. It’s part of life, unless of course you fly a helicopter. Traffic reports are redundant. They don’t help you beat the jam! They make you wish you were at home instead of stuck in the fucking car traffic. ‘Oooh there’s an accident on the federal, motorists are advised not to stop and look’. Half the fucking country doesn’t seem to act that way!

Just saw a cop pull over a dude for using the emergency lane – to overtake a cop car! Hahaha funny shit

This was one of the funniest things I saw in the morning. It was a huge traffic jam to work. They closed 4 lanes into 1 lane (some construction work going on along the batu caves/gombak highway, I don’t know what its called. MRR2 as well? Anyways, I was on the slow lane, and I saw a police car use the emergency lane to cut through the traffic and cut in the car in front of me. About a minute later, another car came, on the same emergency lane as well, and cut in front of the cop car!! I LOLed to myself in the car when that happen. The next thing you know, the police car turned on its siren lights and pulled the dude over. ‘Thanks for our morning kopi!’

The day I didn’t die

Never mind the messed up rear of my car.

These could’ve caused an accident.

The other day onto work, my car brakes failed. Thank God it happened at a toll and when there weren’t many cars. I had to use my 1337 e-braking skills to stop the car at the side of the road. Turns out that my car ran out of brake fluid and my brakes were totally worn out. I don’t know how it happened, but I remember hearing weird ‘pop’ noises from the side of my car when I was driving it early in the morning, and then my car being slower than usual (I had to step on the gas alot to accelerate)- it felt like my brakes were constantly on while I was driving. I was contemplating going to the office first and then only going to the workshop later.

I wonder how that would’ve turned out.

Sometimes I don’t know what to believe in- coincidences? God? Destiny? I’ll never know.

Like awhile back, I was totally broke- it was nearing the end of the month, but I hadn’t got my pay yet. I only had RM10 in my wallet and RM10 in my bank account. My car petrol tank was at ‘E’. I had no idea how I was going to survive the following week till I got my pay. That very night, I won Employee of the Month. RM100 in cash. That was a real life saver. I never felt more thankful that night.

Was it a coincidence? Was it God? Was it karma? I don’t know.

All these things happen all the time. Not only to me, but to other people as well. Near death experiences? People write books, come out best sellers and make a fortune. Some people aren’t that fortunate. What makes one person more deserving than another? I guess I’m happy to be alive.

Yet another offering of random messages saved on my phone..and something to do with Kiwanis

It’s that time of the year again! When my phone keeps reminding me that I’m low on memory (maybe it is time to get a new phone), and so I have to delete all these random messages I keep saved in my phone.

Why do bikers check their wheels while moving?? Not like its gonna fall out!

Seriously, I have been driving behind way too many bikers who pull off these stunts. I mean, what the fuck are they trying to achieve? If it was something so important, couldn’t they have stopped on the emergency lane to check their wheels? These bikers have come close to causing accidents numerous times, and this trend doesn’t seem to be dying out either. One day a biker is gonna check his wheels and fly headfirst into a lorry. Then he will learn his lesson.

I hate fucking spiderwebs. Why must they spin them in places where I walk through? Don’t they know they can’t possible trap me with their puny webs?

How many of you have walked face first into spiderwebs? How many of you have actually enjoyed it? Please raise your hands. No don’t raise your hands, I can’t see you, I haven’t installed a hidden cam in your room..yet.. And for the majority of you who didn’t raise your hands (yes, I don’t know how I know you didn’t raise your hands but I know you didn’t), you understand how I feel. The feeling of something you can’t see, touching your face is just.. disturbing. (No it’s nothing like the ass of a ghost on your face, but that’s a different story for another day) I was supposed to draw a picture to accompany this message, but I forgot what I was supposed to draw, and therefore I have no picture!

You know what the best part of a song is? The chorus. Why? Because it happens at least 3 times during one song, most of the time, so it has to be catchy or something people would like listening to. That’s why good choruses are so hard to write. It can save a song with shitty verses

Don’t think that needs any additional explanation. Besides the fact that choruses are really hard to write. Good ones anyway. And I don’t think I’ve written a good chorus before.

And to end this post, I would like to advertise something that the company I work for is doing (in case you didn’t know; Inspidea)- they are organizing a fund raising event to support Kiwanis (a foundation for kids with Down Syndrome). Since I have a readership of about a thousand hits a day (I’m just kidding, I barely hit 90 haha), I’m helping to promote and advertise this event. It’s going to be held sometime in September I think, I forgot the details, I will update more when I confirm them. In conjunction with the fund raising event (there will be games, music, activities for kids), we are also selling cool T-shirts. They go for RM30 a piece and if I’m not mistaken all proceeds will go towards charity (again, I’ll need to get my facts straight :P) but anyhow they are really well designed. In fact I got myself 2 of them. Here are some product shots of the shirts for sale:

Each one has an interesting science fact except for the last one which has the names of the people involved.

Do you know? Eating banana makes people happy

Do you know? 70% of your body weight is made of water

Do you know? Just like thumb print, all of us have different tongue prints

So if you guys are interested in purchasing these shirts for a good cause, let me know! Leave a comment, SMS, or send me and email/add me on msn: [email protected]

I will post more updates about the shirts and upcoming events. Stay tuned!