Life reconnected/ virgin coconuts.

So, some of you might have noticed my blog was down. But it’s okay, cos it’s now back up, and I finally have internet at home! Wheee. Anyway, I’ve moved away from landslide hill to the area where I got mugged on Valentine’s day. Haha. Such fond memories of this place I have. I’m gonna miss the old home, but we all gotta move on. I even wrote a song about it, though it’s not complete yet. Expect some new rough recordings soon 😀

In other news, work on my EP has resumed, I have 2 tracks left for vocal recording and after that it’s mixing! I will have my EP out this year 🙂 Gigging has slowed down for me, due to the lack of open mics and invitations to perform. Haha. But my little sister showed me an ad for ‘Syok Shock Student night’ at Mardi Gras 1 Utama, and apparently there are weekly open mics. So I’ll try my luck playing there.

Been playing quite a lot of DotA lately (I still suck though). But it’s real good fun. And a great way to relieve some tension after work and it is cheaper than clubbing. Haha.

So the other time I was out someplace and they had coconuts which were labeled ‘virgin coconuts’. So I was thinking to myself ‘When is a coconut not ever a virgin? Do people fuck coconuts? Then why are there labels stating it?’ If it was possible to fuck a coconut, and I saw a coconut with a hole in it, I’m pretty sure I’d stay away from it. Whether it was fucked or not. I mean come on, I’m pretty sure there are better ways to market a coconut. I think someone could call a coconut ‘trendy’ and that would be a more suitable adjective than virgin. How about immaculate coconuts? Or perfect coconuts? Hell yeah, that sounds awesome. Next time I sell coconuts in stores, I’m gonna label them perfect coconuts. And they would sell like hot cakes. Not that I’ve seen hot cakes being sold really quickly. Maybe in cold countries, or Cameron Highlands.

Wow, it’s 7am and the sun is shining brightly through the windows. And I am wide awake. Now it is time for me to go to bed.

Gig #23

I’ll be performing next week at SOHO KL for Earth Week- Orang Utan awareness!

Loads of activities lined up, head here for details.

I’ll be playing on both days (18th and 19th) 5pm, and its all for a good cause, so do come and show some love!

And please spread the word around, I think there should be a facebook event invite floating around but I haven’t found it yet. When I do I’ll be sure to link it here and invite everyone to it.

Hope to see you guys there!

EDIT : Here’s the facebook link

This photograph is proof

The next time someone tells you to take down a picture of them from facebook or your blog cos they look ugly- fuck them! (no, not literally). Tell them “what do you mean? you always look like this!” And don’t take the pictures down- post more instead! I mean, think about it- there’s really no such thing as a bad picture. Sure there are badly taken pictures i.e.: a finger covering a part of the lens, an out of focus picture etc, but there are really no bad pictures. The only reason a person is ugly in a picture its because the person looked ugly in the first place!

Examples of badly taken photographs

Photographs are a direct representation of things we see! Sure you can crop photos (like what most fat girls tend to do in their online profiles and photos- you never get to see below their chests). But photographs are like reflections! Someone could take a photo of Jeon Ji Hyung or Ayon’s sister at any angle, and I can assure you they would look fantastic- because they look fantastic!

And we all know that people with accurate/fantastic memory have ‘photographic memory’.