Category: Writing Assignments

  • ColWri2.1x – Essay Writing Assignment #1 – Teleporters

    An invention that you would like to create (or an existing invention that you think should never have been created):

    This appeared to be a pretty easy subject to write about at first – after all, what would everyone write about except a teleporter? Right? In my opinion, it’s one of the greatest devices that has yet to be invented (or at least I’m aware of). A teleporter will let people get from place to place instantly – eliminating traveling by vehicles. This solves a large number of problems – time spent commuting, air pollution and stuff like car accidents.

    However, instant travel can also create a lot of problems. For one, criminals can commit crimes and just escape to another part of the world instantly, making them hard to track down. New accidents could also be introduced with the use of teleporters – based on my experience with video games i.e. telefragging. A telefrag is a special kind of frag or kill that results when a player or monster stands on the location of a teleporter destination as another player teleports to that location. The monster or player who was originally standing at that location will instantly die. [Source]

    To solve the issues above, access to teleporters will need to be controlled or regulated. This means, people will be standing by to guard the devices as well as screen its passengers. Maybe known criminals can be implanted with chips that teleport them straight into prison if they ever escape and try to travel via a teleporter. I doubt I’ll be seeing any teleporters in my lifetime, but if and when they are finally invented, I hope they become as useful as I envision them to be!

  • A poem of prepositions: Defense of the Ancients

    Two teams separated by a river
    Out for blood and fighting to the death
    Defending what is theirs
    They do it because that’s all they know

    Valiant heroes fighting for justice
    Evil villians destroying for chaos
    Neither are right and neither are wrong
    They do it because that’s all they know

    Are both teams two sides of the same coin?
    Were they misled into bloodthirst?
    Find out at the next battle
    If they do it because that’s all they know?

    For Write101x.

  • Write101x: Week 7 progress report

    One of the problems with not learning English as a second language is that I don’t get to truly learn and appreciate the nuances in grammar between it and the national language (Malay). I didn’t pay much attention in school when learning about grammar since I found it easy to comprehend. However, over the past seven weeks, this course has reopened my eyes and shown me what I had missed out all along.

    Because English is my first language, I discovered that I’ve been applying all these rules unconsciously. Sure, I slip up every now and then, but by taking this course I have discovered how and what I should to do avoid such mistakes in the future. I still can’t recite the rules of what or how and when to use certain words, but I do know when a sentence is wrong and how I can fix it.

    I’ve got a long way to go before I would even call myself a qualified writer. I know that English is the language I use best (it’s pretty much the only language I use) but I still don’t consider myself great at it.

    We’ve only got one week left to this course and I still have a lot left to learn. I’ll continue to do so by practicing writing and taking up more courses. In fact, I’ve just signed up for How to Write an Essay which started this week. Hopefully my readers and I will be able to see improvements in my writing in the coming months!

    Nanowrimo is also coming up soon, and I thinking about joining it again this year. I still have yet to edit my first novel which I wrote last year. Part of me feels like just publishing the unfinished draft online, while another part of me thinks I should be a responsible person and edit it before pushing it to the masses.

    Regardless, I’m still going to continue blogging five times a week for the foreseeable future.

    PS After rereading my previous post on this subject, I realized that I pretty much repeated the same points in the post. I guess it’s something I should work on as well – repeat myself less!

    Written for my Write101 assignment.