Farewell dad.

I’ll see you soon 🙂

I now have a chair in my room which spans about 1/3 of my room’s width (my room is that small). I can walk around less than half of my whole room.


6 responses to “Farewell dad.”

  1. jessica Avatar

    Dad told the snow was beautiful 🙂

  2. Van1ty Avatar

    I know how you feel. My old room was about that size. =/

  3. Alvin Avatar

    goodbye uncle wong, i hope you settle in quick. all the best in the states 😉

  4. moy Avatar

    haha, in my current room, my comp sit on a mini floor-desk. I don’t even have a chair and have to sit on the floor. 😛

  5. jpta Avatar

    where’s ur dad goin geo? 🙁

  6. George Avatar

    jessica : :’)

    Van1ty : the keyword is ‘old room’ lol

    Alvin : he doesn’t read this, but I’m sure he would have said ‘thanks asshole’ lol

    moy : haha, go buy a chair then

    jtpa : to live the american dream. lol

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