Gig #32, Gig #33 and Twitter.

As most of you guys know, I entered ‘Library’s Got Talent’ and I’ll be playing at the first heats on the First of November. At the rehearsal I’ve seen who I’m up against, and I really have no chance at the RM30,000 grand prize. But I figured, ah what the heck- it never hurts to try, and I’m glad for the exposure/publicity I’ll be (hopefully) getting. So anyway, it’s gonna be on a Sunday night, 8pm.

The next gig I have will be some cocktail party event that my little sister had to organize with a group for her assignment. Anyway it will be at some hotel somewhere, I don’t even know the final details about it yet, and I’m not sure if it’s open to public either (I think it should be). So I’ll have to keep you guys posted on that.

In other news, I’m on twitter! Haha. I don’t use it that much, but I will definitely use it to post short blogs/gig news etc. I’ll get the widget up on this blog, In the mean time you can follow me:


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