UPDATE: Today’s Artista Gig has been pushed back to 8pm! I won’t be playing at 5pm. See you guys there later!
So I got invited to play at yet another gig – are you guys sick of these updates yet? Haha.
Anyway, come drop by Tropicana City Mall this Sunday – Artista, I’ll be playing an acoustic set (just like every other set I’ve played) at 5pm. Woot! Opening act. I’ve no idea who else is going to be playing after me, but I’ll be rushing off after the gig for some super secret band practice. The Wishing’s band practice, if you’d like to come and watch just give me a text. Or tweet. Maybe it’ll be like some secret gig. I kid.
Anyway, drop by Artista on April 10, this Sunday, 5pm. I’ll do my best to give you guys an awesome show.
Now some of you might be wondering – where is Gig #67? (in case you were paying attention to the numbers I used), well Gig #67 is going to be a charity event called Masquerade I’ll be playing on Saturday night. I’m not sure if it’s open to all members of the public but I’ll keep you guys posted. Anyway you can check out the event invite here. I’m pumped to play cos An Honest Mistake and Once Upon A Time There Was A Sausage Named Bob will be playing as well, and it’s been a long time since we’ve played in the same gig together. Woot!
And in other news, I’m about 50% done with the AMDW EP cover – better than nothing right? Haha. Waiting for more artwork from Jason and anybody who wants to submit, before I finish it. <3
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