Just in case you guys heard about the whole BA landslide thing and wondered if I died, I’m still alive and kicking *awww*
It started off with a crazy Friday night where I drank till I time travelled to Saturday morning. Got out of bed, packed my shit and trekked through some jungle to get out of the god-forsaken hill.
Anyways, to cut the story short, I won’t be home for the next few days (possibly weeks if they don’t clear the road by then). In the mean time I’ll sneak online once in awhile in between dota games at cafes and facebook from my phone. lol
Bolt is awesome. Go watch it! You don’t really have to watch it in 3D to enjoy it, there isn’t much difference between both versions. The value of the show is in the storyline and jokes. And of course not forgetting the amazing animation. Horton, Bolt and Madagascar, all top contenders for animated movie of the year in my list. Speaking of lists, I should come up with a top ten list for the end of the year and some new year’s resolutions. Maybe next year will be the year I accomplish them :p
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