It’s been awhile..

..since I’ve posted anything romantic 🙂


7 responses to “It’s been awhile..”

  1. Carrs Avatar

    aaawwh So sweet!

  2. James Tan Avatar

    i like the post on the pet brother better. hahaha kidding 😛

  3. Van1ty Avatar

    Weakling. I only need one hand to change gears. Haha.

  4. I am so not Jacyln Avatar

    *poke poke*..

    Jiwang nyer picture.. lol

  5. George Avatar

    Carrs : :$ aww

    James Tan : me too. haha

    Van1ty : I don’t need to change gears on my auto car! haha

    I am so not Jacyln : you are so Jacyln! *pokes back*

  6. jsze Avatar

    awwwWwwwww =)
    am happy for you both 🙂
    all the best always!!!


  7. George Avatar

    jsze : thanks 🙂

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