Photography doesn’t come naturally/slight updates

If there’s one thing I don’t do a lot of with my smartphone, it’s taking photographs. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll notice that I hardly upload photographs. However, I am tagged in plenty of them.

For some reason, the act of lifting my phone up to shoot a photograph doesn’t feel natural to me. My friends and most people I know don’t seem to have that problem. To them, shooting their food, their surroundings or people they see seems instinctual. On the other hand, I have to think – what am I shooting this photograph for? why am I taking a picture?

Especially selfies. Maybe it’s from fear of embarrassment, or just lack of self-confidence, but I cringe at the thought of taking them in public. At home, in the comfort of my room, I’m fine with that. But in public, no way! Unless I’m in a remarkable location or I can do it inconspicuously, I rarely do it. I don’t know why. I have no problems posing for photographs or being in them, but when I’m the one holding the camera… *shudders*

In other news, I’m back! After a few weeks of not blogging, I hope I’ll have plenty of things to say in the coming weeks – at least until the next Big Bad Wolf sale, which will be at the end of February in Malacca.

Some updates:
– Rocket League is awesome. Probably the best online game I’ve played next to Dota 2. If you’re looking for a fun way to relieve stress online, be sure to check it out. It goes on sale quite often, so you can pick it up for cheap.
– MUD is still fun. I recently got back into Realms of Hell, and while I don’t expect to spend a lot of time on it, it’s been a fun experience getting back into the grind. Maybe this time I’ll get further than I did previously! Mudding on your phone is actually quite enjoyable too.
– CNY is here, and I’m going to be on a week-long break (hooray!). I’ll use the time to catch up on my Python and Science of Happiness classes. Also, maybe grind some MMR.
– Deadpool is coming soon, I’m looking forward to that. And Valentine’s Day too. It’ll be my second one with Milin!
– Pentimento is the best band I’ve discovered this year (so far). Holy shit, these guys are amazing. Check out Sink or Swim below:


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