Animation inspired by Porco Rosso.
Originally Published: 12th November 2020 on Instagram
Animation inspired by Porco Rosso.
Originally Published: 12th November 2020 on Instagram
Originally Published: 18th July 2018 on Instagram
Developed the story line, characters and wrote the teaser/pilot screenplay for Oddtown.
Originally Released: 17th January 2020 on Astro Ceria’s Youtube Channel
A group of kids (some with disabilities) who grew up together with a fondness for adventures and detective stories, solve crimes and mysteries in their strange neighborhood of Oddtown.
Edited the screenplay for What If Superman Got Sick AGAIN ?!!
Originally Released: 16th August 2019 on CartoonHooligan’s Youtube Channel
Edited the screenplay for Captain America Hates Captain Marvel
Originally Released: 7th March 2019 on CartoonHooligan’s Youtube Channel