So I was supposed to write something below this..

It’s been ages since I last wrote something down here. I’ve been busy with work (as usual).
Only time I get to unwind is when I get home and during the weekends. Where I mostly do nothing productive, because it feels so good to not do anything productive when you’ve been spending the whole week being productive at work.

I bought a new sketchbook, so I should be drawing more. Been ages since I’ve drawn or painted anything. I use the mouse too much at home (playing dota lol). Going jamming tomorrow. Potential new band mate? I don’t know.

There’s so many things I want to do, but I haven’t. Yet.

I seem to have lost focus in life. I might be spiritually dead too. The body is as weak as its mind.

You don’t deserve to be called a lady, so I’ll call you a whore
(james write it down, new lyrics for S!TA)

RIP Oink


7 responses to “So I was supposed to write something below this..”

  1. jsze Avatar

    hmmmmm…bep was AWESOME :p

    Melaka rave was a dissapointment coz i didn’t wanna get dirty mud and rocks cutting my feet 😛

    I wanna see her hot new ASS :p hahaa..picz picz 😛

  2. James Tan Avatar

    ~~~You don’t deserve to be called a lady, so i’ll call you a whore,

    fooling me with your pretty smiles whilst standing at the door.

    i can’t believe you’re leaving this, come again, oh you’ve left this… far behind.

    u pulled my strings and wrapped me around, u cut me off and now i’m falling down. such a fool, such a fool for you, my dirty little whore who used me as your tool~~~~


  3. James Tan Avatar

    the title of the song can be called “you’re not a juliet, but i’m such a dying romeo”


  4. eriol Avatar

    hey, what think you of Say Anything’s latest? 😉

  5. Van1ty Avatar

    What’s O!nk?

  6. daryl Avatar

    sketch more George! You gotta build your drawing skills to perfection (especially on girls) just like your skills on the guitar!


  7. George Avatar

    jsze : I’ll post pics of her soon :p

    James Tan : hahahaha. i like the song title, awesome possum

    eriol : never been a huge SA fan, but i checked out their latest cos they’re so popular online, and its alright 🙂

    Van1ty : the best online music tracker ever.. now gone 🙁

    daryl : yes, i must do that, i will do that..after this game of dota.. haha

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