Some Youtube videos

Messed up, but funny shit :p

Awesome performance, and Mayday’s drummer looks like Ferhan lol

This video never fails to make me laugh

and lastly- Seng Yip interviewed me last weekend! Everything you ever wanted to know about 2StoreyHeart 😛


7 responses to “Some Youtube videos”

  1. Van1ty Avatar

    Now all I need to do is learn how to drum. Haha.

  2. xen0s Avatar

    HAHAHAHA!! You’re right!

    Van1ty: No, now all you need to do is get buff 😛

  3. Alvin Avatar

    damn, I dont look like any celebrities 🙁

  4. vanessa Avatar

    georgie goodness eh?

    Are you trying to be humble by flooding the post with other youtube videos? :p
    Anyway, thats some pimp-ass chair dudee haha xx

  5. Lynndy Avatar


  6. Jakk Avatar

    O wow George, you look cool in that interview, hahaha.

    I want your signature incase you become really famous in the future! XD

  7. George Avatar

    Van1ty : YEA then we can be mayday parade!

    xen0s : teach him drums and workout haha

    Alvin : don’t lie Hiro Nakamura!

    vanessa : I posted goodness for everybody! 🙂 and yeah it’s an awesome chair

    Lynndy : rm50 per boob! haha

    Jakk : sure! my signatures are free if I’m not signing on boobs. hahaha

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