Still no internet at home.. I’m blogging at the office (it’s after 6 :p)

Anyway, just a reminder about my gig at No Black Tie- it’s tomorrow! And you can get tickets cheaper (RM10) if you go to the timeout kl website and print out the online coupon!

I’ll be playing some new material, so those of you (already) bored of my old songs, there’s a reason for you to go! lol. The event starts at 9, and I’ll be there to soundcheck at 7, so if you’re there earlier and have nobody to talk to, don’t be afraid to come up and say hi! Musicians are friendly people :p

For more details on the gig, scroll down a bit, or check me out on facebook or use google! I hope to see you guys there 😀


6 responses to “Still no internet at home..”

  1. shasha Avatar

    streamyx sucks

  2. chrissy Avatar

    got your card! well I got it earlier but never really saw you online.. 😛

  3. arrogance Avatar

    When are you coming to Puchong, 2S<3?!?!
    Can’t wait to see you! 🙂

  4. arrogance Avatar

    When, oh WHEN is 2S<3 coming to my country?
    Don’t forget your visa if you do! :p
    See you tomorrow! Dedicate me a song, G!

  5. moy Avatar

    i think you need to give those guys at tmnet a little encouragement ‘push’!

  6. George Avatar

    shasha : tell me about it 🙁

    chrissy : I got yours too! But I haven’t been online haha

    arrogance : I don’t know, book me a show there man! haha

    moy : more like a kick in the nuts!

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