These lines, so well rehearsed, tongue tied and over-loaded

I decided to write this post because I came across called About A Girl the other day, which instantly put the chorus of the song with the same name by The Academy Is… into my head.

I discovered the band when I heard they were signed to Decaydance and because I was into Fall Out Boy, I checked them out. I fell in love instantly with William Beckett’s vocals. The way he sang his lines, clearly and earnestly, his quick phrasing, and catchy melodies – what’s not to like? I loved every song on their debut LP and wholly recommended the band to my friends (alas back then I didn’t know many people who appreciated such music).

Anyway, when their next album came out, Santi, I wasn’t very impressed. They mellowed out and weren’t super catchy anymore. They then went super poppy on their next two releases before disbanding. It was good music, but in my opinion nothing came close to Almost Here. I continued listening to Almost Here on and off over the years. It was many years later before I gave Santi a second chance and realized how good of an album it was (maybe it was just me growing up/old). Barrington High and Pacific still aren’t great by any stretch of the imagination, but they’re solid releases nevertheless.

The band broke up a few years ago but came back for a reunion tour. Don’t know if they’ll ever put out new music together again (William Beckett’s solo stuff wasn’t as good as TAI… sorry!) but in the meantime, here’s some of their old tunes you can enjoy.

The Academy Is… – Attention

The Academy Is… – Slow Down

The Academy Is… – The Test

The Academy Is… – Everything We Had

The Academy Is… – Classifieds

The Academy Is… – Black Mamba

The Academy Is… – His Girl Friday

The Academy Is… – We’ve Got A Big Mess On Our Hands

The Academy Is… – LAX To O’Hare


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