This came in the mail.. (Gig #26)

Dear Musicians,

Thanks a lot for being a part of the upcoming “Fête de la musique” oragnized by Alliance Française in Bangsar on June 21st 2009. This year we are glad to have “TIME OUT KL” as media sponsor! The TSB stage will be named “Time Out KL stage”. Actually La Bodega stage will sound classical, traditional, accoustic and R’n’B, and TSB will be local Pop/rock/metal.
Our venues sponsors Lounge La Bodega and Telawi Street Bistro will offer a complementary soft drink to all musicians !

More than 20 bands/artists will be performing from 6pm in TSB and La Bodega Lounge.

6pm: Jaya
6:40pm: Doppleganger/Jasmine
7:50pm: Aksana Yusupova
8:10pm: Maria Raiz
8:40pm: The Snow Symphony
9:10pm Kelantan boys
9:40pm: Chandar Prakash
10:10pm: 2storeyheart
10:40pm: Cent M

6pm: Bus Company
6:30pm: Bluestankers
7:00pm: An honest mistake
7:40pm: Army of Three
8:10pm: Unexpected Mercy
8:40pm: Under Headlights
9:10pm: Pasca Tragedy
9:40pm: Andri’s Band
10:10pm: The Padangs
10:40pm: The Text Box
11:10pm: Mustard

Since our schedule will be sharp, I would ask you to respect the timing I have made (according to your wishes as much as possible).
Time of arrival at the venue should be 1 hour before your slot… please;)

The concept of the event “spontaneous performance” and open mic, so please kindly understand we can not organized a sound check and rehearsal in the venue before the show. But a maximun 10 minutes gap between each bands is plan to let your enough time to set up your instrument on the stage.

Thanks a lot for your participation,
Best Regards

PS: I will be back next week if you need to contact me.

Jennifer Deschamps
Cultural Events Coordinator
Alliance Française de Kuala Lumpur
+60 (0)3 26 94 78 80
15, Lorong Gurney
54100 Kuala Lumpur
visit us:

I received this email a few days ago. I’ll be playing for the french world music festival at the la bodega stage. It’s a free gig, and there’s gonna be loads of other acts. I’ll be playing a 30 minute set, so if you haven’t seen me before, here’s your chance for the full 2sh experience! (hahaha)

Oh and last night was the first time I got recognized in public. I was in a club looking for my friends when suddenly this guy starts staring at me as if he knew me. When I got closer he approached me and said something like ‘Hey! I’ve seen you before!’.
I was like ‘You have?’.
‘You played at urban attic the other night right? I was there supporting my friends- theory of change. You sang the friendster song! Great stuff man!’
I got a pat on the back or something, and we parted. That was a funny, weird moment. haha


4 responses to “This came in the mail.. (Gig #26)”

  1. jsze Avatar

    hehee..woohoo congrats on making it to the finals, i love u too ;p
    hehe getting popular dy horrrr..always know i’m here supporting u 24/7 kays 🙂

  2. moy Avatar

    u r our next kris allen hahaah..

  3. sam* Avatar

    haven’t been watching u perform for quite some time.. i’ll try to make it to this one!

  4. George Avatar

    jsze : love you toooo and i’m not popular.. yet? haha

    moy : haha nonsense!

    sam* : thanks for coming!

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