#2 – Amost Date
So back in school, only the bravest kids had the guts to ask girls out on dates.
But guys like me? We had almost dates. A whole lesson of admiring your crush from afar was good enough. 40 minutes of elation 😀
#2 – Amost Date
So back in school, only the bravest kids had the guts to ask girls out on dates.
But guys like me? We had almost dates. A whole lesson of admiring your crush from afar was good enough. 40 minutes of elation 😀
I like this man 🙂
ur crush doesn’t have a face! egads
I so know what you mean. =”/
i can see the efficiency in re-using the same picture for frame 1 and 7, 2 and 6.
The dude in the picture looks a lot like Seng Yip…lol 😛
I spent a good 3 years admiring girls. The fourth year I gatehred guts and approached one – only to get rejected, badly.
hehe. 35 minutes, but I guess the thought lingers for another 5 minutes 🙂
I thought the girl was a guy! my bad!
OH! is your happy song finished? 🙂 no pressure. x
oh yeah, did u go to the prerelease last weekend?
sometimes even the bravest kid will not have the guts to go for their lil crush
You speak for the geek in all of us!
Ee, nice colour scheme 😀
Kinson : I like it too 😛 thanks.
Seng yip? haha I looked like that back in school
James : faceless to represent all the crushes I had in school= I can’t draw a girl with 10+ faces and I’m not drawing the comic more than 10 times either! haha
Van1ty : high five man
moy : web comic artists 😛
and nope, I stopped playing magic. haha
Silencers : ouch. I still haven’t confessed to my high school crush. haha.
vanessa : for the rest of the day and the night in bed 🙂
happy song is not finished yet.. having trouble coming up with the verse!
tingtitlei : that’s not very brave then!
Albert Ng : some of us are still the same geeks inside! haha
Rachel : thanks! 🙂
i still do the same thing. 😀
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